
Friday, April 3, 2015

Friday Five for April 3, 2015

1. We're three days in to the 2015 A to Z Blogging Challenge. If you're participating, how are you doing? I'm doing it with the Untethered Realms group again this year. It's so much fun and less stress that way. Pop on over to read teasers from our books.

2. With the Challenge going on, I'm going to step back and only do a few blog posts this month. Some promos and reviews for my fellow authors, and my Friday Five.

3. I've started a new urban fantasy novel. It's slow going at the moment, but this one is heavy. It's going to be a big one. Huge in length, but also heavy plot-wise. So many things are weaving together. I love having a story grow organically like this.

4. Today is my husband's birthday. My son and I will bake him a cake and make him a special dinner. And it's Easter this weekend. Happy Easter to all who celebrate! My little guy is eager to go egg hunting.

5. Finally, thank you to everyone who supported and encouraged me during my tours. You guys are awesome! Here are the final winners of the Geeky Dice & Debauchery Tour Giveaway.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Happy Birthday to your hubby. Hope he likes his cake!

    Your tours are epic and you're starting another major work? I need some of that energy.

  2. Have a great time celebrating with your husband and family! It's one of the + sides of not doing A-Z, being able to slow down for a month blogging wise. Good luck on your new ms! And have a great weekend! :)

  3. Happy birthday to your husband! Happy Easter and hope your son scores a lot of eggs.

  4. Happy Birthday to your husband! And I'm looking forward to reading your next novel!

  5. Happy birthday to your guy, and congrats on the new WIP.

  6. I started a new novel two days ago. I'm not sure April is the best time, but at least I'm not alone.

    Happy Easter, and I hope the cake goes well :-)

  7. Happy birthday to your hubby! And a new story? How exciting! Good luck with it. I hope it goes well :D

  8. Doing well! Good luck on your new book, and happy birthday to yours. :)

  9. Good luck with the book--those heavy ones are the ones I find most gratifying but they are definitely the hardest to do. And Happy Birthday to your Sweet Baboo!

  10. You're the second blogger I know celebrating a birthday... it obviously a Good Friday.

    (Thank you, thank you... you're a great audience :)

    PS: Have fun this weekend :)

  11. Happy birthday to your hubby and all the best with the new project! :-)

  12. Ooh, a new urban fantasy novel? How exciting! Best of luck with it! Hope your husband ends up having a fantastic birthday, as well! :)

  13. Happy Birthday to Keith! And Happy Easter to all of you! Enjoy!

  14. Don't know how you are managing it all Christine!! Happy B-day to hubby. Hope you have fun celebrating and eating that cake. Also, hope your son has a great time running after some Easter eggs. I know my three look forward to it, no matter how old they get. :)

  15. Congratulations to the winners! I'm pondering how much I'm going to blog this month. Not sure how not participating in the A-to-Z will impact how many people wander over.

  16. Thank you all! I have a sick little boy on my hands, so no big celebrating this weekend. I'm sure he'll still find energy to do an egg hunt, though. :) Have a great weekend!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Happy Birthday to your husband!
    I can imagine that taking part in A to Z with a group would be really fun!

  19. Sounds like a complex story, but those are usually the best ones!

    J.L. Campbell - A-Z Co-Host | The Character Depot

  20. Happy birthday to your hubby!

  21. Happy Birthday to your hubs! I was a winner my dice (or die?)

    Enjoy your mini break. Best of luck with the new story.

  22. Perfect idea to focus on your new novel... and yes, doing the challenge with a group is so much easier. Happy Birthday to hubby:)

  23. I would love to step back right now. Hahaha. Aww well.

  24. Hope your hubby had a nice birthday and yummy cake. Just finished reading Of Blood & Sorrow. My review will be up shortly. Hint: Loved It!!!

  25. Happy Birthday to your husband! I bet the cake was yummy! I'm not doing A-Z, just not enough time. Clever to do it in a group. Good luck on the new UF project, and have a great week! :)

  26. Hope your husband had a nice birthday. Your new WIP sounds like it will be a lot of fun to write. I like big projects that I get immersed in.

  27. Happy birthday to your husband (i think I am days late for that) sorry. What an incredibly smart idea ya'll have, a team working together on the A to Z challenge. Must take some of the stress away and allow you to still enjoy the fun and benefits of the challenge. I will have to remember that next year.

  28. i'm jealous of writers like you who can weave a heavy story together seemlessly and organically! way to go!
    and happy hub bday!
    thanks for visiting me during a to z - i miss your story posts

  29. I hope you had a lovely Easter! My mom used to come up with some of the best treasure hunts!
    Brandy from Brandy's Bustlings


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