
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Wicked Wednesday - just a little kiss

It's that big moment when a couple shares their first kiss in a story. You're on the edge of your seat, holding your breath, and heated from the tension. What sort of kiss will it be? It has to be perfect, right?

No, it doesn't.

And that's the fun of writing. You can make that first kiss be anything you want it to be.

Sloppy kiss - a little too much saliva and a lot of lip sucking. A bit like a happy bulldog.

Dead fish kiss - one person is completely passive with no mouth action at all except that it's open just a little because, likely, they're a mouth-breather.

Too eager kiss - going in for it so hard and fast that teeth clink, lips bruise, and one or both people look like they're going to eat the other one.

Uncoordinated kiss - both people turn their heads the same way and bonk noses or miss the lips to kiss a nostril instead.

Tongue leading the way kiss - one person has their tongue out like a lance and it leads the way in with no lip contact first.

I know very few people that have had a perfect first kiss. Most often, it's hilarious and/or awkward. It's all the kisses after it that made the romance work for them.


  1. Hi Christine - what a great list of sloppy, drippy, sloshy ideas you've listed - had to laugh ... and no it wasn't perfect ... cheers Hilary

  2. I know my first kiss wasn't perfect. Hopefully my wife says I'm better now.

  3. Hehe! First kisses are usually quite awkward, but that's all part of the practice, right? ;)

  4. Some of my favorite first kisses were funny with mistakes.

  5. =) You make me smile. Actually, my first kiss was stolen, so it was a complete surprise, and not too bad either.

    I love the little awkward moments in writing that bring real life to the forefront. Awesome.

    Unleashing the Dreamworld

  6. HAHAHAHA! Awesome list there. You had me giggling. My first kiss with my husband was one of those perfect ones. But the kisses before that? They made your list. :)

  7. This list was hilarious. Awkward kisses are great, especially for YA.

  8. It's probably fun to write the first kiss!

    Yeah, tongue first is really disgusting!

  9. Hehehe! I'm glad you're all having a good laugh. I've had many awkward kisses in my time. And you're right, Cherie. That's why practice is important! :)

  10. I always love to give my characters awkward, and sometimes even downright horrific, first kisses. More fun that way! ;)

  11. Major flashback to some of my first kisses. Awkward :)

  12. Haha, eew to the last one! I like awkward fist kisses in stories. And quiet soft ones that lead the way to more heated ones, oh-la-la! =)

  13. Funny how most first kisses fall in line with one of those five, yet rarely written that way. Thanks for the tips.

  14. Hahaha yeah... it IS weird how all first kisses in romances seem to be just perfect. :-D

  15. I love your list. lol Fabulous and so true.

  16. This is a great list! I'm pretty sure my first kiss was the dead fish type. Awkward. I'm definitely going to keep this in mind!

  17. Sometimes that first "ineffective" kiss can set the mood just as well as good kiss can.


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