
Friday, October 24, 2014

Friday Five for October 24, 2014

1. I finished the second D&D novella! Woot! It's off with my critique partners now, hopefully making them giggle. Now on to the third one. I had hoped to have them all done by the end of this month, but a broken wrist throws a bone in the wheel of productivity.

2. One short story rejection this week. Two still out there. Submitting short stories is a great way not only to get your name out there, but to build thicker skin.

3. Today I'm assisting at my son's preschool. We made pretzel rod ghosts and grape goblins for a snack. My little guy is super excited about Halloween. I can't wait to see all the kids in their costumes. Are any of you dressing up?

4. I've been watching quite a few new shows this season. And tonight is the premiere of Constantine. I've been oohing and aahing over the commercials. Not that I need to add another show to my schedule, but it looks awesome!

5. Something wicked comes this Sunday. Wicked good! Creepy Freebies is the brilliant idea of Milo James Fowler. Because what's better than candy? Free reads and giveaways! I'll be giving away a signed copy of The 13th Floor Complete Collection. Don't miss out on all the freebies from the participating authors.

Have a great weekend!


  1. Hi Christine .. congratulations on finishing another novella - sounds a fun one too - a giggle is always good.

    Yes - broken wrists don't help do they .. and enjoy your son's excitement re Halloween .... no I won't be dressing up!

    Cheers Hilary

  2. Congrats on wrapping up the second D&D novella! You may think that broken wrist slowed you down, but I can't help but be impressed by your progress!

  3. Well done on wrapping up this novella. Good on you! All the best!

  4. Haha nice Friday Five, now I feel like a pretzel...

  5. It's been a few years since I dressed up.
    Keep writing and keep submitting!

  6. Yikes! Pressing on with a broken wrist? That's epic awesome. Way to get so much done despite hindrances.

    I too think it's great to have your short stories in anthologies and magazines, although I'm a bit hesitant to send them out. There are too many opportunities right in front of me.

    Here's to developing thick skin and pressing forward!

  7. Halloween was one of my favorite holidays as a kid, although I always wished for better costumes. Cheapskate parents!

    Congrats on finishing the first draft of D&D 2. I'm looking forward to reading it.

  8. Yay on the D&D. Can't wait to read 'em! I remember helping out at my sons' nursery schools and kindergartens. Big fun!!!!

  9. Congrats on the D&D finish.

    I just moved to a new neighborhood, and I've been told I'm unlikely to have enough candy to give away. I'm scared!!

  10. Love your comment about getting the thicker skin.
    I remember my kiddos being so excited about Halloween. The year my boys were all Power Rangers might have been their favorite.
    I'm looking forward to Constantine and also the return of Grimm.

  11. Sorry about your short story rejection, but it always feels great to have other options out there.

  12. Thanks, everyone! Hope you're all having a great start to your weekend. :)

  13. Helping at the school is fun. I did it for years, and it was time well spent. Spending time with them offsets all the things I screwed up while raising them ;)

  14. Christine, CONGRATS on wrapping up another novella! I liked working at the school when my son was young. So rewarding.

  15. Your son's Halloween party sounded like fun.

    My son is going to be homework for Halloween. Yes. You read that right. I can't wait to see what he's going to come up with for this. (And hopefully the dog won't eat him!)


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