
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Wicked Wednesday - BIG NEWS!

Wicked Wednesdays are about to get a little more wicked.


I signed a three book contract with Ellora's Cave!

Earlier this year, I was waiting for critiques from my CPs. I had a bit of free writing time when I stumbled across an open call from Ellora's Cave (EC). They were searching for geeky stories for a themed release called Geekgasm. I giggled and joked around with my husband. With all those naughty geek jokes I know, I could write a story.

So I did. And EC loved it!

They loved it so much, they wanted more. I agreed to write two more hilarious books featuring my nerdy characters. The series is named:

( D&D for short!)

The first book in the series, "Loose Corset" has already gone through revisions and is in its final edits. I even have a release date!

January 9, 2015

I'm still a bit in shock. I got the news in June, but I've had to keep it under wraps until everything was finalized. These books are funny, romantic, geeky, and hot. They're written by a geek for geeks. I'll be talking about everything more on Wednesdays, sharing with you my experience and tantalizing you with teasers.

Until then, here's the blurb for "Loose Corset."

Geek girl Morgan Reid has been to many conventions, but none that had her wishing it would never end.

Dressed as their characters from the online game Steampunk Quest, Morgan and her best friend meet the other players for the first time in real life. Morgan's attraction to the gorgeous Dean Bradley is immediate, making it difficult to breathe in her tight corset. Even after a few dice shattering orgasms, she doesn't believe this can be anything more than a con fling. But Dean is making her feel things she's only read about in books. Can Morgan let go of her cool-headed logic and allow herself to fall completely for the perfect geek guy?


  1. This is amazing! Congratulations, Christine!

  2. Hi Christine .. oh I'm so pleased you've let us in on the secret - no wonder you've been so excited ...

    They sound wonderful stories and such fun for today's world ..

    Brilliant news and many congratulations ... cheers Hilary

  3. Woot! This is amazing news and I can't wait to read the first one! And the whole series sounds fun and naughty. A great blend! Congrats!

  4. Congratulations! :) That's fantastic news!

  5. Congratulations!! Saw that in your newsletter yesterday.

  6. Congratulations! I can't wait to read the final version and the new ones.

  7. Huge Congrats, Christine! Very well-deserved.

  8. Oh Christine that is wonderful news!! Love the tongue in cheek puns you have going on here. Best of luck in this new and exciting endeavor!!!!!

  9. Oh Christine that is wonderful news!! Love the tongue in cheek puns you have going on here. Best of luck in this new and exciting endeavor!!!!!

  10. Christine, yay! I'm having a wedge of cheese in your honor. That's SO awesome! Congrats. I'm looking forward to the release.

  11. I loved getting the news early in your newsletter! Congrats, this is super great. And sounds super fun!

  12. Congrats on your BIG news. Sounds like a winner series.

  13. Congrats! The series sounds awesome. I love geek.

    Heh, I clicked on the EC link. My eyes bulged a bit with some of the covers. My goodness girl, looks like you've got quite the romp in bed ahead of you.

  14. Most awesome, Christine! You're an awesome writer and these books sound like lots of fun. Glad your wrist is healing, too. :)

  15. Thank you all so much! I hope readers will have as much fun with these books as I'm having.

  16. Now that's one erotic story I would read. Congratulations! That is big news!!!

  17. CONGRATS! That's great news. They sound like a lot of fun too. It must have been hard keeping it quiet so long.

  18. Congratulations! I'm so glad you can finally share your awesome news! The new story sounds like it's going to be a lot of fun!

  19. I'm SO happy for you. You deserve it! You've been working so hard for a long time, we all know.

  20. That's spectacular news-- congratulations and enjoy writing the next two books!

  21. Huge congrats... that is so awesome:) Can't wait to read them.

  22. Congratulations again! So exciting. Good luck with the series. Sounds like a kick.

  23. OMG that is sooooo awesome!!!!!!
    Congratulations, Christine. You rock! :D

    S.K. Anthony

  24. Wow!!! That's so awesome!!! Congratulations!!!

  25. YAY!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I will be getting a copy of Loose Corset on January 9th! :D

  26. That is so awesome! A huge congratulations to you!

  27. Wow, this is big exciting news! Congratulations.

  28. CONGRATS, Christine!

  29. What fabulous news!! Congrats!! You've been working long and hard and deserve a contract - I'm very glad to see you've got it! :)

  30. WOOHOO! That's amazing! Congrats!

  31. This is speculator news, Christine! Congrats to you, girl. Wahoo!


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