
Friday, September 19, 2014

Friday Five for September 19, 2014

1. Thank you so much for all your congratulations about my big news. I love this community. Your support and encouragement mean so much to me.

2. My wrist is doing well, but healing still leaves me utterly exhausted. I haven' t done any writing, but I've managed to get some critiquing done. My local critique group meets tomorrow, and I can only hope I don't doze off as I do at that time of day!

3. I've been cleaning out my Kindle. I had a lot of ebooks on it that I didn't get past 10%. I've also had a few that really surprised me with how great they were. Rarely in the past did I ever not finish a book, even if it was horrible, but with my huge TBR list, I have to be picky. It is difficult for me to do because I know how much work authors put into their stories.

4. I received another rejection for my urban fantasy novel earlier this week. I sent it to the publishers I really thought might like it. It's quirky and unusual and tells a powerful story. I will be self-publishing it next year. So be ready for a huge year of releases in 2015 from me!

5. Have you taken your Shelfie yet?

When: From Now until October 6th, 2014

What: Take a picture of your favorite book(s), your bookshelves, or you with your favorite book(s). We understand if you're shy and don't want to be in the picture, but you get bonus points if you are. Then share it on your blog, Facebook, or Twitter. It's as quick and easy as that!

I'm excited to co-host this blog hop with seven amazing authors: Tara Tyler, Heather Gardner, CD Coffelt, M.J. Fifield, Elizabeth Seckman, Rena Rocford, and Vikki Biram. We'll be offering prizes for various categories. The grand prize winner will win $40! I'll be giving away a digital copy of The 13th Floor Complete Collection for the geekiest Shelfie.

I have several bookshelves in my house. I have too many books to fit in them. This is but one of my overstuffed shelves. Double-stacked, if you can tell!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I am super excited to read all your new releases next year!!

  2. Hi Christine .. so pleased about your contract; also good to know that the wrist is healing ...

    Have a very happy weekend .. cheers Hilary

  3. Your book shelf looks a lot like mine. Maybe it's a writer thing? =)

    It's good you're being picky about what books you read. I need to do the same thing.

    And like Kyra, I'm looking forward to all of your new releases next year.

  4. Hope that wrist gets better soon so you can get back to the writing though you certainly had lots or projects going already.

  5. congrats on your big news! that's awesome!

    I love "share a shelfie" lol. cute idea!

  6. Thank you all. Have a fantastic weekend!

  7. I'm excited about your 2015 releases! - It's going to be a great year!

    My bookshelf looks like that too. :)

  8. I am going to be embarrassed to post my shelfie. It's a total mess.

    I have stopped reading books that don't grab me too. Like you said, I have too many I want to read.

  9. That is a STUFFED bookshelf!
    Congrats on your first news, condolences on your second and good luck with your plans for 2015!

  10. LOL - I can't do shelfie, as I am not yet published :) Oh well. I have lots of books by all my on-line friends. Congrats again on your big news.

  11. I'm glad your wrist is doing better! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  12. Good news on the wrist! Cleaning out the Kindle. Yes. I must do that. As to rejections *raspberry to that.

  13. Really happy your wrist is feeling better...:) Ha.. your bookshelf looks like mine:)

  14. Next year's going to be a big one for Madam Rains -- way to go!

  15. 2015 sounds like it's going to be awesome for you... and for all us readers :-)

  16. Can't wait to see what kind of releases you're going to have in 2015!

  17. Your bookshelf looks tidy compared to mine, haha! And I can relate to clearing out the Kindle. I do that occasionally, too, since my TBR pile is just so huge!

    Also, that's a shame about the rejection, but how exciting that you'll be self-publishing again! Can't wait! :)

  18. I am envious of your bookshelf. Mine is only digital.

    Sounds like 2015 is going to be huge for you!


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