
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Teaser Tuesday with Joyland

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
  • Grab your current read
  • Open to a random page
  • Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
  • BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
  • Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
JOYLAND is Stephen King's newest book. I was lucky to nab it off the express book shelf at the library and didn't have to wait for 55 other people to read it first. It's very King-ish. Lots of nostalgia. Not very creepy yet, but the characters are fascinating.

Here's your teaser:
"What's a self-respecting amusement park without a ghost? Maybe you'll see her yourself." (page 29)


  1. Cool... was wanting to read this. A shame it's not too creepy... I love creepy in stories.

  2. It's on my list for the end of the year, if I get to it because I keep reading books at least 2 times.

  3. Sounds like a fascinating read, original idea, Christine.

  4. This is a book I've been waiting for.

  5. king is the man. and its not 2 tons, like under the dome which i couldnt pick back up...

  6. Love the teaser! Stephen King is awesome! Here is my TT

  7. I'll definitely read this one. Your teaser made me curious!
    Here's my Teaser: Tougher Than the Rest

  8. Confession: I've never read a Stephen King book. It's not my preferred reading material, but I want and need to read one of his books just to discover what makes him so very popular. The book I'm reading, Wonders Of Life by Brian Cox is a biology-based look at nature. I'll spare you quotes!

  9. I can't say I'm a huge King fan- I respect him as an author and do think he's good at what he does, i just can't get into his style of writing that easily.
    Good teaser non the less.

  10. I love the cover. It reminds me of old pulp fiction books.

    I know all about those wait lists.

  11. I'd love to read Joyland, but so far it's only in paperback, and I very rarely read those anymore. LOL! I'll probably pick it up ones of these days, though.

  12. My my, that is quite the teaser.

  13. LOL...first thing I thought of when I read Joyland, before seeing your picture was the daycare my daughter went to. lol Not reading anything at the moment, in the middle of a book I read on vacation; but it's buried here on my desk.......somewhere.
    Traveling Suitcase is out and about blog visiting

  14. I haven't read any Stephen King in an age so thanks for sharing. Here's mine:

  15. Despite how much I adore horror, I have yet to read anything by Stephen King. (Oops.) Gotta try changing that sometime, yeah? XD

  16. Thanks, everyone! This was a good book, but not one of my favorites from King. Not creepy at all, but great characterization.


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