
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Insecure Writer's Support Group for August 2013

The Insecure Writer's Support Group (IWSG) is the brilliant idea of Alex J. Cavanaugh. The purpose of the group is to share doubts and insecurities and to encourage one another. Please visit the other participants and share your support. A kind word goes a long way.

No matter how much we like it or not, books are going to be judged by their covers. It's difficult finding that perfect cover for your book too. I know I've spent almost as much time on the 13th Floor covers as I did writing. It's that important. The cover represents the story.

I've been struggling for a while now searching for and designing a cover for the 13th Floor collection. I adore my covers for the individual novellas, and they have been well received, but I want the collection cover to be different. I also want to promote it in print, so it has to be front, spine, and back. No easy task.

I started a design that would include all the tenants, using the covers from the novellas. Yet it wasn't original. It didn't give the readers anything new. Plus, the barcode would've covered Xan's chest, and I didn't want to disappoint his fans with that! If only I could convince the tenants to stand together for a group photo in the hallway of the 13th floor. I need a camera to take pictures from inside my head.

I have a new concept I'm trying now. It's different from the clean portraits with the black backgrounds. Will readers like it? Does it represent the entire series? Does it say dark urban fantasy and paranormal romance? Is it too boring? Too subtle? I don't know! I've lost writing time and sleep to this.

I know all I can do is create the best cover I can and put it out there. I'm getting panicky even as I'm just typing this!

Do you judge a book by its cover?


  1. I usually don't, but in discussion with my 12 year old daughter I discovered that it's the driving force in her decision to pick up a book.

    Go with what you feel is best. In the end it's what usually is right.

  2. I do judge a book by cover - this is the first info you have when analyzing a book. if I like the description then I'm buying it. But the cover is the one that makes me go read the description.

    I'm sure you'll find a great cover for your book.

  3. The cover is usually the first thing we see so I think it is important in drawing people in. Good luck with your quest for the perfect look for your book I look forward to seeing it. I'm sure it will be great :)

  4. I shall be adding more poetry, Christine, and hope you find some more that you enjoy.

  5. Based on how wonderful your other covers are, I'm going to guess your new cover will be awesome:)

  6. Woot! I'm excited to see what you come up with!

  7. I totally judge a book by its cover, unless I've heard a lot about it otherwise. I can't wait to see what you come up with!

  8. A good cover definitely gets me to pick up a book. You'll find a great one, I know!

  9. Good luck with finding that perfect cover, it should truely be a work of art. I panicked over finding my cover as well because it is that important. One of the good things about publishing independent is that we have more choices. I am looking forward to see what you come up with!

  10. Cover design is definitely one thing I'm freaked out to do.

    I love your covers! I'm sure you'll figure it out and come up with another awesome cover=)

  11. For me: cover and/or an interesting title are what make me pick up a book that I might not otherwise consider (because I've never heard of it or the author). That's just picking up the book, flipping it over and reading the back (or opening to the dust jacket flap). Then THAT has to interest me enough to open to the first page and skim to see whether I like the writing style. If I like the first page, I flip to a random page in the middle and test that a random sample also holds up. I have quite a process! But books are expensive now, plus I have limited shelf space, so unless it's a free download for my Kindle, I'm very selective.

  12. I do judge a book by its cover. It is what draws me into the story. Especially now with Kindle. I can't turn the book over to check out the blurb.

    Good luck with your quest. I'm sure you'll find exactly what you are looking for.

  13. I admit, the cover is the first thing I look at. The synopsis is second.
    You could always make a couple designs and post them for a response.

  14. I want to not judge a book by its cover but there's no doubt I pick them up because of covers all the time.
    Good luck with your new idea.

  15. Based on your other covers I have no doubt this one will be awesome. Good luck with it!

  16. DON'T PANIC! Just grab your towel. :)

    That's why I hired out for my covers. It all got way beyond me.

  17. You found success before, you will again. It just follows. Happy IWSG day!

  18. Well, give it a shot. I'm sure it will be good after all the energy you've put into it. Whatever you do, panic later.

    As to how I'm affected by covers: I'd say I do pick up books if they grab my eye. That doesn't mean I buy the book. That only happens when the story grabs me.

  19. The direction you're going with the covers is the right one. I should know. I've seen what you're working on. *grins*

    And people do judge books by their cover. On the panel I was on, I said that covers for ebooks were even more important than a print cover.

  20. Thank you all. I admit I judge on the cover too. The blurb is more important, but if I see a really bad cover, I won't pick up or click on the book. Even free books have to have a good cover.

  21. Cover design is so tough! I love mystery novel covers but they don't tell the reader that it's a mystery so I suspect I'll get them redone some day. Good luck!!

  22. i hav 2 ideas!
    but they are animated... i will email u! yeah baby!

  23. I'm new to this aspect of publishing, but I hired someone to do my first cover, and I love it. I'm one of those people who picks up a book because I like the cover. I can see why you're agonizing. But black is good. The Twilight Series are black with a pic, and they did KINDA good...

  24. Hi Christine, I searched until I found a lightweight scooter that folds up and goes into the car. It arrives tomorrow, so we'll see!

  25. When considering a book from an author for the first time I think the cover does play a large part in that first decision to pick it up and have a look. I know it's something we all know we shouldn't do but it's a natural instinct I think.
    I certainly loved all the covers so far in The 13th Floor, and it would definitely be a shame to have a barcode in an inconvenient place ;-)

    I'm sure that whatever you plan for the collection will look just as great as what you have done so far. You've put so much effort into all the details, and that will show through.


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