
Monday, April 1, 2013

A to Z Challenge 2013 - A is for Apples

It's the first day of the 2013 A to Z Challenge! Yay!
I'm so excited. I can't wait to read your blogs and see what you've come up with this year.
Thank you so much to the A to Z Team. You guys are amazing.
If you haven't joined the challenge yet, there's still time. Click here!

This year I'll be sharing snippets from a story we'll call Fearless 2.
It's not a sequel, but it takes place in the same world as the story I wrote last year for the challenge.
You won't need to read Fearless to enjoy this story, but you can pick up your copy for free!

The gangster mummy burst like a pinata. There were no candies were razor sharp teeth, but those were almost preferable to the black sludge. It was thick like tar and smelled like rotten apples.

Danielle Sawyer stood with her legs apart in a ready stance. The blue glow radiating from her wickedly curved blades faded before the weapons retracted into her hands. Body relaxing, she prodded the pile of goo with the toe of her boot. “Where's the withered zombie body?”

You were hoping for a zombie? Please don't tell me you were hoping for a zombie. Fenn sighed.

“Well, I've never fought a zombie before. You'd think they'd be more common these days.” Danielle wiped her hands on her jeans. “Though I guess I can count the mummy as a zombie. That's all they are, right? Zombies done up in fancy packaging.”

Yes, whatever you say. Fancy packaging, indeed. Fenn sniffed. Where's the child, by the way? You didn't forget her in your longing for a zombie, did you?


  1. Hello from A to Z! I think zombies and mummies could totally be close cousins in the family tree of paranormal folk. Look forward to visiting here this month!

  2. I never thought of a mummy as a zombie in fancy packaging before, but you're right about that!

  3. I loved what you did last year with Fearless. Can't wait to read this one!

  4. So looking forward to reading your A-Z Challenge, especially after the brilliance that was 'Fearless'.

  5. Fun snippet! The bit about mummies basically being zombies in fancy packaging had me giggling out loud. :P

  6. I love it already, Christine! Danielle is so sassy, I like her attitude! And I'm intrigued by Fenn. Also yay for zombies! ^_^

  7. The thick tar and rotten apples turned my stomach! Good luck with the rest of the challenge, Christine :)

  8. I'm intrigued already! Very visceral. Zombies and mummies - hadn't thought that way before.

  9. Lol! Fancy packaging! I love how you started the story, it immediately pulled me in, thanks!

  10. And you'll tell us where is the zombie, of course...right? I'm so excited about your story. I have the popcorn ready for the month!

  11. Ooh love the Zombie in a mummy package!

  12. Great snippet! Looking forward to more of your posts!

  13. You had me at 'gangster mummy'...seriously! :)

  14. Love this idea. Mummies always seemed kind of non scary to me but thinking of them as zombies changed the entire picture.

  15. I can already tell I am going to love Fenn LOL. Fearless was such a great read I know Fearless 2 will make for another fun month of reading. :)

  16. Hah, I dig the idea of zombies being more common these days. Hmmm...well, maybe not for realz. ;-)
    Some Dark Romantic

  17. This series is going to be great! Can't wait to discover Fenn's form.

  18. Well, I like Fenn already.

  19. LOL, she wants to fight a zombie? I gotta read that book!

  20. Thank you, everyone! How's the shorter snippets working for you? Are you still hooked?

  21. LOL! A mummy as a zombie in fancy packaging! Loved the snippet!

    A to Z Participant
    Cherie Reich - Author and Surrounded by Books Reviews

  22. Definitely like the connection between mummy and zombie, and I love Fenn already.

    Look forward to more!

    A to Z blogging - Barbara White Daille

  23. You're a genius. "Zombies done up in fancy packaging" - love!

    (I know I'm on a blog break but I really couldn't miss a new story from you!)

  24. Looking forward to more,"We want more, we want more..."

  25. OMG, where's the kid!

  26. This was great Christine. And I have to agree with everyone else who commented before me. The line about mummies are zombies in fancy packaging is brilliant! Looking forward to seeing what else you have in store for us throughout this A-Z challenge.

  27. Funny! And it ended on a good hook - what happened to the child?! O.o
    I'm glad you're putting your A-Z to good use. :-)

  28. Intriguing, Christine! Good choice opting for less! So much more suspense!

  29. I like the idea of mummies filled with candy. Yummo... And I read pinata wrong and somehow substituted those sandwiches, which gave your first line a really interesting twist. I was thinking of cheese oozing out and it totally worked... OK, maybe I should go make some tea....

  30. I so love that you are a zombie-fighting mom. The world simply needs more of these. Nice to have found like minded folk. Please visit and become a member at where we are posting an original poem every day during the A-Z challenge.

  31. you brought to mind the great old mummy movies, when i was a kid--scared the dickens out of me!

  32. Thank you all! I've loved reading your A posts today. What fun!

  33. Aha Christine,

    I like your apple posting right to its very core. And no mention of zombies. Good grief, unless somebody who wasn't actually doing the alphabet challenge started with "Z" and worked backwards :)

    Seriously, have fun and may you have much positive interaction.

    Gary :)

  34. Ha! Packaging is everything. Love the pinata image. This is going to be fun, Christine.

  35. Love it! The mummies being zombies in fancy pkging... awesome! :)

  36. Ha. Danielle sounds like fun :)

  37. I loved Fearless! I'm very excited to read your posts - love the description in the first sentences!

  38. I never always understood the fear of mummies. They look like they would be awfully easy to knock over.
    Dropping by from A to Z. This is my first year. So exciting.

    Brett Minor
    Transformed Nonconformist

  39. Mummies and zombies ARE the same thing! Ha, never thought about it that way. All wrapped up so you can't see their gore. And, really, zombies would be so much tidier if they were treated the same way as mummies.

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse

  40. Hi Christine .. Mummies and Zombies - good mix ... yugh! I enjoyed the snippet .. Hilary

  41. This is such a great theme. I really love it.

    I'm running a day behind. I wasn't feeling well yesterday.

  42. I love it, the last line made me smile.

  43. Yay! I love the Fearless world! Now, I'm going to go catch up on what I've missed=)If you don't hear from me in the next few days, I might have drowned in the awesome;-)

  44. Such a great start... I really like this... made me laugh.


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