
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

A to Z Challenge 2013 - B is for Books

I'm posting snippets from a story for this year's challenge.
You can enjoy them on their own, or you can read the complete abbreviated tale starting with A.


Danielle bent to retrieve some books she'd knocked off the desk during the fight. “No, Libby ran into her father's room.” She paused after setting the books on the desktop and smiled. “That's another longing I'd love to explore too. That man is smoking hot.”

Really, Danielle. You need to keep your mind on the job. Fenn's words were clipped by his Nordic accent. You do realize this is the third time we've killed a monster in Libby's room. It's highly unusual.

“I know.” Danielle's lips thinned. She picked up a stuffed monkey and set it gently on the bed. “She's having a rough time of it. Her mom died a few years ago, and there's only her and her dad. He's a good guy, a really good guy, but he has to work. She's lonely and scared. I'm surprised we don't see more kids with multiple monsters.”

That's because when the monster is slain, the edge of fear that created it is gone. They're past it and they move on. Fenn lectured. It doesn't mean the fear is gone, but the power in it is. Children grow up and their fears no longer have the magic to create monsters.


  1. I think as children grow, the "monsters" can become other things, even if these things don't hide under their beds.

    Thanks for sharing!

  2. I'm really loving the world-building in this snippet! Is Day C here yet so I can read what's next already?! ;)

  3. Great piece. I'd like to know more about this monster.

  4. Cool idea. Wish I had a monster slayer to help me out.

    Moody Writing

  5. Very interesting that usually once a monster is defeated, the child's fear leaves, and they lose the magic to create monsters. Yet for some reason Libby had had multiple monsters - why is that? Because she still has fear because of losing her mum and her dad being away a lot? Or something more sinister.

    Great letter B, Christine! Can't wait for C! :D

  6. Snap! I did B for Books too. I'm really looking forward to following your A to Z journey!

  7. Nice snippet! I'm looking forward to coming back and reading more.

    (Grover at Inane Ramblings)

  8. Cool Nordic accent. Not sure I want those monsters under the bed anymore though. I have my characters instead.

  9. Cool Nordic accent. Not sure I want those monsters under the bed anymore though. I have my characters instead.

  10. Great snippet. :) Just wanted to stop in and say hi. :)

  11. it is a wonder the magic of children's imagination!!

  12. I also wrote about books today. Great minds, huh? ;)

    Loved the snippet!

  13. Hello, Christine! Ooo, this is a good snippet. Great idea for a theme!

    Happy A to Z-ing! from Laura Marcella @ Wavy Lines

  14. I like this and am wondering just what sort of monsters lurk about...hmmm :)

  15. Then why do the monsters keep returning to Libby?

  16. I share Alex's question. Can't wait to find out...

  17. Interesting. So Libby has multiple monsters because she has many fears?

  18. Great snippit!And I'm curious too as to Alex's question.

  19. Makes sense to me. But still, why are they picking on Libby? Something sinister if brewing...

  20. I'm also wondering why the monsters keep going after Libby. Interesting!

    What an adorable photo to go with the post, love it. :)

  21. Thank you all! You'll have to keep reading to find out why this is happening to Libby. BWUHAHAHAHA!

  22. Hi Christine,
    I just found you. I loved the snippet! What a wonderful, creative idea.

  23. I liked what the first commenter Cynthia, said about monsters becoming other things as you grow older.
    Also curious to know why Libby?? Hmmmmm. :)

  24. This is good, but I feel like there might be a tad too much exposition in the dialogue.

  25. Great idea to do writing snippets for your A to Z challenge! I'm looking forward to reading more!

  26. I'm really enjoying these snippets! it helps - seeing your process. I'll be back tommorrow!

  27. So exciting that you're writing a story for the A to Z Challenge!

    Loved reading this installment.

  28. Very interesting. I can't wait for tomorrow.

  29. I wonder if that's why I had my bed flat on the floor for a number of years? :)

  30. This is going to be a great story once you hit Z...Kudos to you for doing this for the challenge (once again)!

    Damyanti @Daily(w)rite
    Co-host, A to Z Challenge 2013

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z

  31. I wish that was true, that the fears were done. It's interesting that the poor girl has had 3 monsters. Poor thing!

  32. Poor little girl. Sounds like something odd is going on with her.

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse

  33. I am enjoying the story, and now so is my daughter. She read over my shoulder today.

    AtoZ #42

  34. "Children grow up and their fears no longer have the magic to create monsters."

    Love this line!

  35. That's an intriguing place to stop this segment, Christine. Look forward to seeing what's plaguing poor Libby that feeds the power to the baddies.


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