
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

A to Z Challenge 2013 - H is for Heels

I'm posting snippets from a story for this year's Challenge.
If you'd like to read the whole tale, please start with A.


Put the bracelet back on this instant. Fenn demanded.

"No." Danielle snapped as she slipped on her shoes. She couldn't remember the last time she wore heels. "I don't want to hear you lecture me any more. Tonight's my night to relieve the stress from both my jobs. No one takes their boss on a date with them."

Well as your boss I'd like to remind you that you do not get involved with parents of children you've saved. Fenn shot back. I will also speak for your boss at the school and add that you do not date any of the students' parents.

"What are you doing to do? Tell on me?" She snorted. Checking her reflection for the fifth time, Danielle fiddled with her hair. She hadn't been this nervous about anything in years.

How juvenile of you.

"It's one date. And not really a date. I'm just meeting Erik for drinks." Danielle popped a breath mint into her mouth and flicked off the bathroom light before she could fuss any more. "Besides, I'm allowed to have friends. And a friend with benefits would be even better."


  1. Yet another great snippet! :) But oh-oh, she's leaving Fenn behind? Hopefully she won't end up regretting that decision later!

  2. Oh, Fenn is such a worrywort! What's the worst that could happen? Actually I get a feeling that will be answered. :)

  3. Poor Fenn...only trying to keep Danielle on the straight and narrow.

    He'll probably be saying "I told you so", later on :)

  4. I'm like on a teeter tot. I'm rooting for Dani, but feel sorry for Fenn, thanks for the story!

  5. awww the breath mint, it's a date ;)

  6. awesome snippet! I loved the way you started this one. that first line is my favorite. :)

  7. I'm with Lynn...a breath mint does seem to push it into date territory. =)

  8. Nice touches: the heels and the breath mint! She's thinking, too. Friends yes. Benefits absolutely. :-)

  9. Uh oh. She's got breath mint. LOL Great post
    - Maurice Mitchell

    The Geek Twins | Film Sketchr

  10. I love wearing my heels!

    Nice piece Christine.

  11. I loved how you worked "heels" in today and fun excerpt. Friends with benefits sounds.... intriguing...

  12. Fun excerpt! Can't wait until tomorrow. :)

  13. Ooh, after Fenn's warning, I'm starting to have some doubts about Erik. :)

  14. Nice! And I like how you balanced that block on your son's head. I don't think my son would sit still long enough to do that!

  15. Oooh.... this sounds like a mistake in the making... Can't wait to see what happens next. :-)

  16. I have a feeling Fenn may be right and Danielle is going to end up in trouble here. Hope not!

  17. Thank you all. I've been a little worried that the snippets might lead people to think Fenn and Danielle don't get along. They generally do, but she needs to sow some wild oats!

  18. Also, all the pics of my son, the blocks, and the Monopoly board are just him playing around. He balanced the block all by himself!

  19. Poor Fenn. I would feel sorry for him if I weren't so desperately rooting for Danielle and Erik to get it on! ;)

  20. Sow away girl!! Go out and sow!

    Great snippet!!

  21. Ooo suggestive ending. Love it.

  22. Wow! that was so fun! I haven't stopped by before! How intriguing!
    Best wishes,
    jean from A to Z

  23. must catch up but I'm intrigued by those friends with benefits...

  24. I'm sure he is just as interested in a friend with benefits!

  25. First dates can be so exciting, and I'm sure more so for Danielle. :)

  26. Well, who could say no to a friend with benefits offer? hahahaha

  27. Great snippet. What kind of boss talks in her head? (I am assuming the boss is talking in her head)

    Sonia Lal

  28. I'm with Danielle! Have a blast, Danielle!

  29. Poor Fenn... can't help but feel bad for him.


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