
Monday, April 8, 2013

A to Z Challenge 2013 - G is for Goose

The second week of the 2013 A to Z Challenge! Woot!
I've been posting snippets from a story. You can enjoy them on their own, or if you'd like to read the whole tale, please start with A.


Ducking under the wing, Danielle spun and landed a solid kick on the snarling goose. It squawked as it stumbled back, crashing against the open doors of the closet.

The monster stood and shook itself as it fluffed out its feathers. It hissed and coiled its neck, ready to strike like a viper.

Danielle bounced from one foot to the other and twirled her blades in her hands. "Come on, ugly. I can do this all night."

But you're not. Fenn stated. You'll do your duty quickly as possible.

"I hate geese. The schoolyard is a minefield of goose poop. You have no idea what it's like to have to walk through it." Danielle danced to one side, and when the monster's head darted forth, she dodged the other way and landed another trio of kicks.

It doesn't matter. You need to do as I say. Fenn barked.

With a honk that sounded like a dying elephant, the goose charged with wings extended. There was no room to slip away on either side. Danielle jumped up on the dresser behind her. Trinkets crashed to the floor. She struck at the monster's head with one blade as it collided with the drawers and sliced through its neck with her second sword. The headless body shuddered and transformed into black goo. She dropped the head into the pile.

"You guide me. You don't control me." Danielle hopped down as her weapons retracted. The blue glow vanished and left her standing in the darkest corner of the room.


  1. Whoa! Intense! I especially loved Danielle's dialogue at the end about being guided, not controlled--such a great comeback!

  2. Lol! A minefield of goosepoop - fantastic.

  3. My first day visiting your challenge posts. Cool, killer geese. Can't wait for the next one. Alex suggested your theme this morning.

  4. Excellent. Really visual, black goo.

    Visiting from AtoZ #41

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Talking about geese, when my daughter was young, she was trying to get into our car when one of the neighbour's geese came up behind her and bit her on the rear end. It was such a funny sight!

    The story is coming along well.

  7. LOL...this snippet was so funny. Love the goosepoop.

  8. This was definitely a jump from what you've been sharing in the stries, but I liked this. Thanks!

  9. Another great post. Honking geese can be scary when they're running after you.

  10. Thank you! Geese have always annoyed me too. I've seen people get bit and the geese steal food right from people's hands. Like a hamburger!

  11. Yeah, if my fears were gonna manifest into animal form, it'd likely be a goose too. Those buggers are evil.

    LOVED Danielle's last line to Fenn! :D

  12. i wouldn't want to imagine goose poop--but your writing compels us to anyway---you're very good!

  13. That's the kind of minefield to avoid at all cost!

  14. I hate geese. They're violent creatures! Good story. Very visual.

  15. I used to think geese were beautiful, magnificent creatures...until I moved to an area populated by Canadian geese. There were times I thought they would stomp through the roof. O.o

  16. Thanks for the visit, am enjoying the prompts you're using, very cute idea.


  17. I loved Danielle's line to Fenn too, she's awesome. Even though I do love Fenn, he is a little bossy LOL.

    My dog and I just had a goose charge and hiss at us at the park for no reason, so I have to admit I enjoyed reading this. :D

  18. Funny, goosepoops. I'll have to check out your other prompts.

    Visiting from the A to Z.

  19. I love it and I can, honestly, say this is the very first time I've ever read about a monstrous goose!

    Great work :)

  20. New visitor from the A to Z Blog Challenge.

    Happy Writing and Blogging.

  21. Whoo. Very empowered, intense character. Great G post :)

  22. Really liked this! That minefield of poop comment reminds me of college. The geese were everywhere! LOL

  23. Geese can be very dangerous creatures!

  24. Goose poop is the worst. Another great tale.

  25. I smell Christmas dinner! Actually a very action-packed scene and nicely executed. Bravo. (Or Brava!)

  26. Monster goose! I approve. Loving this line, "...left her standing in the darkest corner of the room."

  27. Geese are very messy creatures...Happy AtoZ :)

  28. Glad there's so many of you who feel the same way about geese. Thanks for stopping by and happy A-Zing!

  29. Nice story - geese really can be unpleasant for sure.

  30. This is great! A monster goose really isn't that difficult to imagine - they can be evil buggers. :D

  31. Just got caught up on your snippets! I'm just loving this story and can't wait to read the entire thing!

  32. See, I always knew that geese were evil.
    Love the visual image that the last sentence conjures up. :)

  33. Nicely done!
    Evil in that goose poop

  34. My aunt had a really mean goose when we were growing up. I was terrified of it. I totally get the 'monster' version of those evil birds.

  35. This was fun to read. I could totally imagine it. Thanks for sharing!

  36. Interesting take on geese. Ick, black goo.

  37. I do believe this is the first time I've seen a goose portrayed as an otherworldly villain - quite successful I might add - I'll be keeping a closer eye on geese from now on:)

  38. LOL at the monstrous goose! Now that's one creepy creature I've not seen before. Also, Fenn's last bits were a bit disturbing, wonder what's up with that...
    Some Dark Romantic

  39. Hi Christine .. If you hadn't killed off goose into black goo .. you could have come over to my blog and had roast goose - waste not want not ..

    But your imagination is fantastic to read .. cheers Hilary


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