
Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Marquis is here!

The first novella in my 13th Floor series,
1301 - The Marquis is now available!

The first stop on my blog tour will be over at
Cherie Reich's blog.
My talented CP and editor.
None of this would've been possible without her.
She's sharing an excerpt and
giving away one digital copy of The Marquis!

Today's tidbit: My protagonist, Marc gave me a lot of trouble because he isn't the chatty type. Usually my characters won't shut up. He just stands around and glares. Give me words! At least he gave me a lot of action.

Life after Hell isn't more exciting than watching football and fixing a busted pipe. Once a powerful demon, Marc enjoys his quiet existence and a good cup of coffee. With big ambitions to gain his master's favor, a trickster demon named Vetis shatters Marc's peace and vows to deliver Marc's head to the fires of Hell. Not before he destroys everything Marc cares about, of course.

Marc's power has diminished over the years. Heaven will never grant him absolution, and he refuses to return to Hell. Running isn't an option. The city of Carmine is his territory. It's also home to his favorite cafe owner, Mae Hopkins. The dame has a lovely smile, but it's her heart and soul that shine bright.

While his city burns and his love is captured, Marc must decide to surrender or let hate and anger fuel him to become the fearsome beast he so loathes: The Marquis. If the Marquis rises, Vetis can be defeated and Mae saved, but Marc would be lost to his demon forever.


  1. Congratulations on your latest release! I hope it does well!

  2. Congratulations, hope it all goes well for you :)

  3. Huge congrats on the launch... so exciting:) Great story.

  4. Congrats!!

    If you'd like to say hi to my followers, you're invited to drop by my digs.

  5. Big Congrats to Cherie! Best of luck with her release.

  6. Thank you, everyone! I'm very excited about this series.

  7. This is a definate download for me! Congrats, best of luck!

  8. I know what you mean. When I interview one of my characters, this is what it's like.

    Me: Tell me about your childhood.
    Him: No.
    Me: ... okay... Hopes? Dreams?
    Him: Your business because...?
    Me: I'm writing your story?
    Him: *snort*

    1. HA! That's exactly what happened. Glad I'm not the only one with stubborn characters.

  9. Wowzer! That sounds fun. LOVE the cover and title too. I can see he is the dark, brooding type and not much for words. lol.

  10. Huge congrats to you, Christine!! I'm looking forward to reading this!

  11. Congratulations, Christine! Looking forward to hosting you next Thursday! :)

  12. Thanks so much, folks! I hope to make a big impact with it.

  13. Just added this to my Amazon wishlist! Both the summary and excerpt I'd read on Cherie's blog make it seem like a fantastic series!

    Also, some of my characters are as glarey and stubbornly silent as your Marc, so I can relate far too well to this!

  14. i have to read this! sounds so good!

  15. Hi Christine .. congratulations on your book - the Marquis does sound interesting ... 1301 .. 13th floor series - Good for you .. good luck with the tour .. cheers Hilary


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