
Friday, December 14, 2012

Day 2 of The Marquis blog tour

Today I'm over at Nick Wilford's blog
with a character post.
Usually writers profile their heroes and heroines, but I gave it a little twist. I wrote about the villain, a trickster demon called Vetis.
Today's tidbit: I love writing villains. Years ago when I played online RPGs, I would always get requests to take on the role of one of the big bad guys. Sometimes I felt a bit typecasted, but I enjoyed it too much to protest.


  1. Great guest post! I just left a comment. :)

    I'm so with you on villains. They never fail to be fun to write and explore the minds of!

  2. Sounds like fun...going to check it out now.

  3. What would a hero be without the villain?
    And congrats on your book! Sounds horribly interesting.

  4. Happy to help with the tour! And remind me not to get on your bad side, lol.

    1. Thanks so much! *LOL* I don't think you ever have to worry about that. :)

  5. Thank you, folks! It was such a fun guest post to write.

  6. Hey Villains need hugs too- or rather attention. :)

  7. Hi Christine - popping over to Nick's now .. gosh can't think of a villain!? ... Bond ones and Captain Hook .. but there are zillions of others ... good luck with 1301 .. cheers Hilary

  8. Thank you all! Villains do needs lots of attention or they might eat up our MS!


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