
Friday, November 2, 2012

Sign up for the 1301 cover reveal

In case you missed my Wednesday post about The 13th Floor series, I'm revealing the cover for the first novella on November 13th. If you would like to take part in the cover reveal, please email me and put "1301 cover reveal" in the subject heading. I'll send you all the info. My email address is christinerains [dot] writer @ gmail [dot] com.

I'm tentatively setting a release date for the first novella as December 13th. I want to have it out before Christmas at least. I'll know more if I can meet that deadline within the next few weeks. Then I can start to organize a blog tour.

I'm tremendously excited about my covers for The 13th Floor series. I actually have the covers for the first three already done. They're absolutely brilliant! I'd love to share all three right away, but I know, I know. I need to build up the anticipation and tease readers with several reveals rather than just one. But, oh, I love these covers!

Have a fantastic weekend! And for those participating in NaNoWriMo, write, write, WRITE!


  1. Ah, this reminds me I need to schedule your post. I LOVE the cover! :D

  2. I can do a reveal the next day since I don't post on Tuesdays.

  3. Terrific and good luck with NaNo. I'm editing this month. So no NaNo for me.

    Jolie du Pre
    Precious Monsters

  4. you need to change your header to Christine, the writing machine!
    amazing, you are!

  5. Thank you all! Have a fabulous weekend!

  6. I can't wait to hear what everyone thinks of your awesome covers!


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