
Saturday, November 3, 2012

NaNoWriMo 2012 update - three days in

My current word count: 7142

I've had a good start. If my son naps for two hours, I can write about 2000 words in that time. I promised myself I wasn't going to pressure myself this time around. If I only make the minimum word count or not quite that much, it'll be okay. So far, so good. No NaNo stress.

I'm writing a superhero story called "Super Famous." A young superhero wants international fame, but when her desire for the spotlight clashes with doing what's right, she has to choose what sort of superhero she really wants to be. My protagonist is turning out to be a very strong character and sort of bossy. Okay, really, really bossy! Good thing she's about to be taken down several notches. BWUHAHAHAHA!

I'm also really happy that I've been able to write in the afternoons, because I've been revising at night. It's like I'm doing NaNoWriMo and NaNoRevMo at the same time! (Except I'm working with a novella instead of a full novel.) I'm revising 1301. I'm nearly halfway done. It's been rough. The first two pages took over an hour to edit. It's very different than the original. Hopefully in a good way. I think if I can get it done by the end of next week, I'll be able to make my tentative December 13th release date.

Busy, busy! The clocks turn back an hour tonight. I don't know if I'll get an extra hour for anything. If I'm real lucky, my son will sleep in and I can use that hour for sleeping!

All my fellow NaNomites, keep on going! So many of you have gotten great starts. And if you haven't, don't worry. There's still 27 more days to go!


  1. Good luck. It sounds like you have a plan for time management. I'm hoping that I use that extra hour for editing instead of sleeping.

  2. Wow, you are doing both NaNo's! And a thousand words per hour? Wow, I am so slow...

  3. yay! I'm so close to 7,000, I'm hoping to get there before the end of the night. Keep up with the writing and good luck with revisions!

  4. You're doing awesome in NaNoWriMo... well done. Your superhero story sounds so good... I'm going a bit slower, but maintaining the mininum:)

  5. That's a great beginning! :) Your superhero sounds very interesting! My MC is quite the opposite. She's very quiet and will soon need to become a fighter and stubborn and a bit bossy. Good luck with revising too!

  6. Great job on getting ahead in NaNo! I am still on track, and meeting the daily word counts, which is really all I can ask for lol! I'm actually still not sure about the story but I'll stick with it a bit longer and see how I feel next week. :D

  7. You are off to a good start! Way to go!

  8. Wow, your word count is amazing! I write slow too like Alex. I could take hours to write 1,000 words which stinks. I like to think things through before I see them written down in a word document.

    You're doing great thus far Christine! :)

  9. You're got such amazing disapline with your writing. Wonderful!!! I do love bossy female characters, so I hope you don't make her to tame. tee hee

  10. Christine, you're doing great! :D

    I LOVE the sound of your story, superhero stories are up there on my list of favourite, and I love that your main character has to choose between fame and doing what's right.

    I'm with you on the revisions - I'm editing the first 65k of Cupid in the morning, and writing the next 50k in the afternoon. It's fun, but also hard to keep up! LOL

  11. I'm unofficially participating. So far I've got 10,000 words in the month. That's from roughly six hours work.

  12. Great job! I'm at 6,000 words working on the second book in my series. Revising the first one when i have time in between jobs and NaNo. :)

  13. Keep it going. 1000words per hour is pretty fast.

  14. Thank you! Your words of encouragement and cheers help push me along. Hope you all had a fabulous weekend! :)

  15. I'm working on a WIP so word count is not so important to me this time around. But its motivation just the same to get as much finished as I can this month.

  16. Way to go, Christine! And keeping the stress down to bearable is one of my main goals too. If things get to the point where I'm pulling out hair, I have given myself permission to stop and walk away for a while=)
    Good luck with the rest of NaNo and with the revisions of 1301! I'm looking forward to reading it when it's done=)

  17. Wow, that word count is fantastic! And your story sounds amazing! I like bossy protagonists.


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