
Monday, September 17, 2012

Genre Favorites Blogfest

This is another fantastic blogfest from our dear Ninja Captain, Alex J. Cavanaugh. I love the simplicity of his blogfests. It makes it fun and easy to visit the other participants to see what their favorites are.

Here are mine!

Movies - Adventure. With close seconds of science-fiction, horror, and black comedies.

Music - Rock alternative.

Books - Paranormal romance. (I bet you didn't see that coming! Ha!)

Guilty pleasure - Cheesy sci-fi and horror movies like you see on Syfy Channel. I can't get enough of them! Did you see Pegasus vs. Chimera on Saturday? Hehehe! So horrible!

In other news, I received a fabulous review for FEARLESS at BigAl's Books and Pals. Please go check it out. A great place to get your books reviewed. They accept indie books where many other big review sites don't.


  1. Okay, well we don't have a whole lot in common, but I do like a Paranormal Romance now and again LOL! :D

  2. No, I didn't see paranormal romance coming!
    Missed the SyFy Craptastic film. Bummer.
    Thanks for participating in my blogfest!

  3. I love the Syfy channel! Great picks :)

  4. Sigh... don't get the SyFy channel. Congrats on the fabulous review!

  5. You're so right that Alex makes it fun & easy for us. I think I'm enjoying the guilty pleasures best. I'm proud to report that I did not see Pegasus versus Chimera, haha.

    Congratulations on the great review!

  6. black comedies like "Death to Smoochy"... hmmm?

    Jeremy [Retro-Zombie]
    Howlin' Wolf Records: On-Line Magazine

  7. I don't like horror movies but I seriously can't stop watching the SyFy Saturday night movies. I like to make drinking games out of them. Rock Monster is my current favorite but I did miss Pegasus Verssu Chimera though...

  8. You had the same guilty pleasure as me! Got to love the SyFy channel - they've brought us some classics.

  9. Arggh, I missed the SyFy movie, and I'd planned on watching it!

    My guy-genes took over and I watched Notre Dame play Michigan State play football instead (Go Irish!)

    Fun post!

  10. Paranormal romance? I don't believe you!

  11. I watch the cheesy SyFy movies too=) They have so many on Netflix streaming, my queue is filled up!

  12. Adventure movies are fun to watch. And I picked alternative rock, too.

  13. Not a big SyFy fan myself, but I do love the cheesy old SyFy. Godzilla vs. Mothra one of my favorites.

  14. Cheesy sci fi! An AWESOME choice!

  15. love all but the horror =) my scawee buddy!

  16. haha, I can't stand watching those cheesy sci-fi movies :)

    Allison (Geek Banter)

  17. Thanks folks! I'm glad to hear there are lots of other cheesy horror movie fans out there. :)

  18. I sometimes stumble across those SyFy films - I'm sure I caught one called Giant Octopus once. Can you guess what it was about?? :-D

  19. Yes, another SyFy original movie fan! That was my guilty pleasure pick as well!!

  20. I love the cheesy horror and sci-fi movies too. They're so much fun.

  21. I love those cheesy Syfy movies. I haven't seen any in awhile because I'm always working Saturday nights in the summer. In a few weeks though. I look forward to it.

  22. All great choices. I'm partial to horror. Lol

  23. It's all about paranormal romance!!!!! :D

  24. Christine, I've seen you and Fearless all over the web lately. Congrats and I love your choices for genre favs.

  25. son loves silly movies from the sci-fi channel. He was watching something about sharks eating airplanes last week. Where do they come up with this stuff?

    Love the paranormal romance too! Nice to meet you. :)

  26. I watched about 2 minutes of that syfy movie on Saturday. My kids used to enjoy watching those Saturday flicks when they were younger.

  27. yes! I love those cheesy movies as well. They make me laugh!

  28. My guilty pleasure would be b-grade horror movies...hehe

  29. LOL, the husband watches the SyFy channel a lot, too! I suppose they can be entertaining as long as you disengage your brain for the duration of the flick!

  30. We have lot of things in common Christine!

  31. I love your guilty pleasure answer! Cracks me up!

  32. All excellent choices! Though paranomal romance would be more of a guilty pleasure for me (I do read them).

  33. What do you count as alt rock? I'm never clear on some of these musical genres.

  34. Hello and thanks for stopping by! :) This has been such a fun blogfest.

  35. I had no idea you liked paranormal romance books. LOL! Thanks for the reviewer tip. I'll keep that in mind if I publish another book.

  36. SyFy for a good laugh and totally forgetting political conventions. Thanks for the links, Christine. Very nice to include in your Genre Blogfest post.

  37. Hi, Christine. As a horror writer, I love it when someone mentions it. There haven't been that many on the list so far, so I had to stop and give you a *high five* for that. :) Thanks for sharing.



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