
Monday, August 27, 2012

Taking some time

It's going to be a very busy week and then I'm off to visit the in-laws on the long weekend. I won't have much time online at all. I'm going to take a bit of a sit-down away from the blogging world for two weeks. I need some time to find a cool patch of grass and get myself together. Hopefully in September, I'll be able to settle into a routine and find time to actually write. My current projects are getting cold.

I have a few posts scheduled, and I'll pop in to say hi. I hope to be back rested and refreshed. I'll see you guys soon!


  1. Enjoy your break and time with your family. :D

  2. Hope you and the family have a fantastic and relaxing break. ;D

  3. Been there...and, uh, recently got back from my own break. Enjoy your time away and getting reacquainted with your stories.

  4. loved your pic!! enjoy your visit--see ya soon :)

  5. Hope you have a productive week, Christine! Your little boy is seriously the cutest guy on the planet. :-)

  6. It's good to take some time off. Have a good break. :)

  7. Enjoy your break, Christine! Looking forward to reading whatever you're working on.

  8. It seems to be a very busy week with the last holiday of the summer and school starting for so many people. Enjoy your bits of time.

  9. That sounds like a great idea. Have fun and recollect your mind.

  10. I'll miss you, but I certainly understand! Hope you get a lot of things done. See you when you come back.

  11. Enjoy your break... we all need them sometimes... I was going to do the same thing next week... away from the internet world to ground myself again and refocus. Have fun:)


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