
Sunday, August 26, 2012

LOOK! Meme

Thank you very much to Tania Walsh for tagging me in this fun challenge. The rules of the challenge involve me searching my work in progress for the first usage of the word “look,” paste the surrounding paragraph into my blog, and tag as many people as possible. (Actually, that's a lot of tagging. I'll just tag five like Tania did!)

Here's a paragraph in my steampunk short story, WHAT LAY BELOW.

Five steps in and I was by my father's – Captain Foster's - side. I let go of my skirts to take his arm with my hands. Surely he would offer some reassuring words. He glanced at me before turning his gaze to the clear sky. With that one look, my dread deepened. It clutched at my very soul and turned it cold.

I'm tagging:
Cherie Reich
M. Pepper Langlinais
Clare Dugmore
Kyra Lennon
Ciara Knight


  1. Thanks for the tag! Love the excerpt!

  2. That's a fun meme :-) And your excerpt is a bit chilling!

  3. Ohh, chilling. Excellent excerpt, can't wait to read more of the story. :D Thanks for the tag!

  4. Intriguing! Sounds like a great story. :)

  5. Don't think I like that father very much. Nice excerpt, want to read more!

  6. This meme has me searching my writing for the word, 'look.' It's a word I change during edits all the time because it's so easy to overuse. But I think it works perfectly in your excerpt.

  7. Thanks to you all! :) Have a good Sunday!

  8. Nice excerpt! I want to know what's in the sky.

  9. Nice excerpt. I've got to go and download FEARLESS. Anxious to read it. I'll let you know.

  10. Very intense... I know this scene well:)

  11. Great paragraph. I LOVE Steampunk. :) I'm looking forward to reading this one. I'll be posting mine on Friday. Thanks for the tag. :)

  12. intense! what a great meme! and i bet look is one of those overused words... i know i abuse it!

  13. That's a great meme. I have mine set to go up on Wednesday. :)


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