
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Insecure Writer's Support Group - June 2012

The Insecure Writer's Support Group is the brilliant idea of Alex J. Cavanaugh. He's an inspiration to us all with his awesome blog posts and words of encouragement. Please take some time to visit some of the other bloggers participating in the IWSG. Every supportive word means a lot.

I feel a little nervous and timid popping in a day late with this. Yet I've wanted to do a post for the IWSG for a while now, and I've always used the excuse that my Wednesdays are taken up by my Wicked Wednesday posts. It's an excuse, not a valid reason.

I do that with my writing too. I find excuses not to do certain things. Like I don't finish revising something because I don't think I could find a publisher for it with the story's weirdness. Or I retire a novel because it was rejected too many times. I tell myself it's best to work on something else instead. I have several novels written, but most of them are just sitting there collecting dust. I'm old, especially for authors in my genre, and there's so much age-ism out there.

All those are excuses and they're holding me back. The real reason why I hide behind excuses: I don't think I'll ever be good enough. I know that if I work hard, revise and edit, polish up my stories, I can leave those excuses behind. It's a lot harder to actually get over that hump than it is to say it.

I'm starting small. I'm self-publishing this year. I'm giddy and scared about it. But it's a step in the right direction. I think... I hope. Right?


  1. At least you're taking a step. That's better than nothing.

    I have the same exact problem when it comes to thinking that I'll never be good enough. That's my worst fear. I've wanted to be a writer my entire life. I can't stand the thought of failing, so it's hard for me to even put myself out there.

  2. Taking that step is good! :D

    Here's something to think about - when you wrote your story for the A-Z challenge, everyone was captivated. Not just out of politeness, but because the story was brilliant! You have an exceptional imagination, and I am pretty sure that one day, an amazing publisher will see that and snap you up!

  3. You don't look old. In fact you look young.

    Interesting I'd never thought about ageism. That's a real downer. Just like I never seriously consider sexism and science fiction.

    I believe that a great story will overcome every obstacle.

  4. That's a brilliant way to smash those excuses to pieces. Good luck with it!

  5. Any step is a good step.
    We can only try our best, right?
    I'm wishing you the best of luck and crossing my fingers for you!

  6. A day late is fine - thanks for joining us!
    Go for it. What's the worst that could happen?

  7. Pfft! You're not old. And you can do it. I know you can get your work out there and be read. I also plan to use my weekend to edit FEARLESS for you. I'm looking forward to reading it again. :)

  8. Age doesn't matter - what matters is heart. You've got that aplenty. (Plus, U rite good.) (That was my feeble attempt a LOLcats style inspiration.)

    Good for you on the self-pub thing, Christine. I think I'm headed in the same direction. It's scary as hell, and hard to wrap your brain around but, dang it, why not????? :-)
    Some Dark Romantic

  9. Self publishing takes courage and is a challenge in itself! Congrats on taking that step. I find if I remember that I love writing for writing's sake, I don't think about those fears so much.

  10. It's a huge step--and a good one!

    I was going to say what Kyra said. The story you wrote for the A to Z Challenge was wonderful--people loved it! Hold on to that and keep following your dream!

  11. You are an excellent writer, Christine! You can't give up on those old books! Keep writing and keep submitting! :)

  12. please!!! don't say you are old haha---wow several novels--that is awesome--of course you should publish!!

  13. Thank you all. I can't express how much your encouragement means to me. I'm still surprised how much everyone loved my A to Z Challenge story. It makes me giddy to think something that I loved was loved so much by others.

  14. Right! It sounds like you're taking a significant step forward with your writing. :)

  15. Excuses and self-doubt hold us back. Write on and keep pressing for publication.

  16. I have the same fear... and excuses are great to hide behind... but they don't get you very far. I think you're an awesome writer, and you'll do excellent with your self-published work. I'm a huge fan of your work:)

  17. Good for you to take the step to get your work out there! It will teach you a lot about marketing. And you are an excellent writer, so don't ever get the idea that you're not good enough!

  18. Insecurity can hold someone back much more firmly than anything else, I think. Good luck to you!!

  19. Christine, you are only as young as you feel, but remember always try to feel young! If you need any help with the self publishing just ask.

    I have left you something on my site for you!

  20. Thank you! Your comments mean a lot! :)

  21. way to go, christine! admitting your fer is the first step, right? ha!
    but seriously, self pub is big! huge! great way to start!

  22. Excuses are convenient. Besides "Wicked Wednesday" does have a day of the week in the title so it makes sense to do it on that day. Sounds like a good excuse to me.

    A Faraway View


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