
Friday, June 8, 2012

Friday Five for June 8th

1. My sci-fi flash piece was rejected. I sighed, ate some Oreos, and submitted it to another press.

2. I finished my short story for June. It's fantasy romance and it includes a battalion of undead. I've sent it out to my critique partners, and after another edit, I'll send it in to my writer's group to be critiqued at this month's meeting.

3. I tried out Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition this week. Oh, wait, not 5th. Next. D&D Next. *rolls eyes* It was fun. I like it better than 4th edition, but I prefer the earlier editions or the Pathfinder setting. It'd been a long time since I sat down and rolled dice with the guys. I miss it, but I prefer to spend what little free time I have writing instead.

4. My son has been doing excellently with his toilet training this week. That's at home, though. He's terrified of other bathrooms. He'll scream and cry if I take him into one. I'm not sure how to help him with this. He's too young yet to reason with, especially when he gets in that frightened mindset.

5. I saw a group of seniors at the park on Wednesday morning. They were taking their morning walk. Since there weren't many children at the playground, the seniors came over to investigate. They climbed to the top of the three story castle, and one of the men who had a cane went down the twisty slide. Four of the women climbed up on the rope spiderweb. It was awesome. I heard one of the ladies say her great-grandson would love to come to that park. I hope I'm still that playful when I'm that age.


  1. It's been a long time since I played D&D. Funny about the seniors. Hope I have that kind of playful energy as well.
    Good progress on your writing!

  2. Keep on submitting! You can do it. And excellent progress on the potty training. :)

    1. Thank you! Potty training has made me realize I'm glad I have only one child, and I'm never getting a puppy! *LOL*

  3. Aww, that's a shame about the flash piece. I really like that one, so keep submitting it.

    That's awesome about the seniors. Sounds like a lot of fun at that park for all ages. :D

    1. Thank you! I still like to slide and swing. Though my stomach can't take as much as it once did. =P

  4. Seniors are awesome! And congrats on potty training progress. Funny, my oldest LOVED using toilets in places other than our house. He was fascinated by the whole thing.

    1. Thanks! Maybe my son will suddenly flip in his feelings. Toddlers are weird like that. He's done that with baths since he was a few months old. Sometimes he loves them, sometimes he hates them.

  5. Sorry about the rejection but woohoo for you resubmitting it elsewhere. I would have totally taken a picture of the seniors playing at the park- sounds like a wonderful sight to see.

    1. Thanks! I should have taken a picture. Makes us all remember that we never have to stop nurturing our inner child. :)

  6. awww you will get it next time, christine----yay about your son--and those noisy public bathrooms are kinda scary --between the loud flushing and those stupid air blowers---wow what a wonderful thing to see at the park--older people have such a cross to bear--glad to hear of them having some fun!!

    1. Thanks! I'm not a fan of public bathrooms either, but he's even weird about bathrooms in other people's houses. Hopefully he'll grow out of it.

  7. Sorry about the rejection, but congrats on sending your piece right back out!

    I love what you wrote about the seniors. I admit that I sometimes use the swings and slide at the playground, and unlike them, I'm always more than a little embarrassed when I do (and I'm no where near their age). I think they're great! Thanks for sharing that. :)

    1. Thank you! I still play on the swings and slides, but my stomach can't take as much as it did when I was younger.

  8. Hooray for perseverance! Good luck with the submission.

    I love your story about the seniors at the park. :)

    1. Thank you! Everyone's inner child needs to come out and play once in a while. :)

  9. Sorry for the rejection, but keep persevering!
    Being a "senior" myself...I can tell you that no one ever really grows up. Some people just don't dare to act on their juvenile inner being. You will always see yourself as much younger, and are quite surprised to look in the mirror and see that older person staring back. Who in the world is she, and how did she get here without my noticing? As long as I can physically play, that's what I intend to do - until I can't, and then I will play in my mind!

    1. Thanks! I think the same thing already when I look into the mirror. Perhaps we always feel that way.

  10. Sorry about your bad flash fiction news, but good for you, pressing on with submissions.

    About the potty training - maybe just "visiting" other restrooms when he doesn't have to use them will help him out a bit? Letting him turn a tap on/off, flushing a toilet, you know...all of the fun with none of the pressure, so to speak? ;-)
    Some Dark Romantic

    1. Thanks! I've brought him into bathrooms just for play and he starts screaming even before we get through the door. I have no idea when or why it started. Even as a wee baby he hated those change tables in bathrooms. I might have to result to using bribes for a while.

    2. Wow, major bummer. Yeah, Dude; when nothing else'll work, bribe 'em! A mom's gotta do what a mom's gotta do! :-)
      Some Dark Romantic

  11. I love number 5!

    I'm glad you immediately turned it around and re-submitted. Good luck to you! Also, good luck on potty training. After a really loud auto-flushing toilet he became terrified of public restrooms. They do get past it, but it sucks in the meantime.

    1. Thank you! Auto-flushing toilets sometimes still startle me! *LOL*

  12. Sorry to hear about your sci-fi flash fiction... keep trying, it's only one press who said no. Can't wait to read your new story... sounds pretty awesome.

    The old people sound so cute... I'm with you with wanting to be like that when we are that age.

    1. Thanks! Your critique was very helpful. Hope you're having a fun weekend!


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