
Thursday, May 17, 2012

Thanks and awards

First off, a BIG thank you to Kathleen Doyle for surprising me
on Monday with a Random Act of Kindness.
You really made my day.
And that's hard to do on a Monday!
The Random Act of Kindness Blitz is a fabulous idea started by
Becca and Angela at The Bookshelf Muse to commemorate the
release of their book The Emotion Thesaurus.
Come pop by my blog tomorrow for my contribution to the Blitz.

I received the Beautiful Blogger Award from the wonderful Sheri L. Swift.
Thank you for passing it on to me.
 Another thank you goes to the cool E.J. Wesley for passing on
the No Strings Attached - Real Trooper award.

Both awards ask you to share some random facts about yourself. (The Trooper Award also has some specific questions, but I will spare you an overly long post!)

Ten random facts about me:
1) I enjoy doing laundry. It's the clean scent and the warmth of clothes fresh out of the dryer.
2) I've been engaged twice, but not to my husband.
3) My husband and I had been together for ten years before we decided to get married in Las Vegas by Elvis.
4) When I get a chance, I love watching cheesy SyFy movies.
5) I have a fear of speaking in front of groups of people, but I force myself to do it whenever I have the opportunity.
6) I have a sonic screwdriver on my desk.
7) I have my own set of special game dice.
8) I set my son's toys up in fun little scenes, so that the next time he comes upon them, he'll wonder what they've been doing.
9) I took karate in high school, and I was two belts away from my black.
10) I cannot imagine life without writing.

I'm not going to nominate anyone, because I want to share these awesome awards with you all. Take one or both if you wish. You're such fabulous people. You deserve them.


  1. A massive CONGRATULATIONS on your awards Christine, they're all well deserved.

    Oh and I have a sonic screwdriver as well. :)

  2. Congratulations on your awards. I also awarded you the Kreativ Blogger over on my blog post here, but obviously, as you've just written ten facts, please don't feel obliged to do more if you're busy etc.

    I loved your ten facts, especially the one about setting your son's toys in random positions. I think I might start doing that to my son!

    1. Thank you! Oh, and thanks for the award. Ah, the ways I amuse myself and my son! :)

  3. Congratulations! You're in luck - I see no end to the cheesy SyFy movies.

    1. Thanks! I'm glad there's a never-ending supply. They're a good Saturday night smile.

  4. Congrats... two awesome awards:) Well deserved.

  5. I hate doing laundry, but I can't imagine life without writing either.

    Precious Monsters

  6. Loved hearing about you, and especially about the toys!

  7. #8 is my fave! i love them all! except #1, that is crazy! but i when i fold my 4-5 loads i get to catch up on my shows, so i guess its not so bad...

    and i'm only taking 1 award, hard choice but its gotta be the trooper!

    ps, i have a nice cheesy syfy novel you could read...ha ha!

    1. You have far more laundry to do than I do, though! I only get tired of washing my son's reusable diapers and then having to sock them all. Thankfully his toilet training is going well.

  8. Congratulations for your awards! And I had no clue you took karate. That's awesome.

    1. Thanks! I wish I could pick it up again. Maybe one day, but it's expensive.

  9. Congrats! I love the fact that you mess with your kid's toys- it made me smile.

  10. I love that you set up your son's toys like that! That much be so much fun for him!

    Congrats on your awards. :)

    1. Thanks! I think it amuses me as much as it does him. :)

  11. Fun info, and for #4 - who doesn't? :)

  12. i pretty much enjoy doing the laundry too---interesting list!

    1. Thanks! I think of all the household chores, laundry is one of the easiest. :)

  13. Here's to clean clothes and lovely scenes! I was fascinated by the two engagements, neither to your husband. Sounds like a novel to me.

    1. Thanks! I don't know if my love life would be all that interesting. *LOL*

  14. Congrats on the awards, Christine. I love those cheesy sci-fi movies. And there's nothing like clothes fresh from the dryer, especially on a chilly day. Cool that you were married by Elvis. If husband & I ever renew our vows, I'd love to do that.

    1. Thanks! I sometimes put a blanket into the dryer just to have it warm in the winter.

  15. Congrats! Very cool awards. #1 might get you in trouble and everyone will ask you to do their laundry lol.

    1. Thank you! I'll gladly trade laundry duties for bathroom cleaning duties! *LOL*

  16. Congratulations on the awards! :)

    I love fresh clothes out of the dryer, too.

    1. Thank you! I sleep better with fresh sheets on the bed too.

  17. Congrats on the award. I love the RAOK Blitz. And I love that Emotion Thesaurus!

    So you never got engaged to your husband? =D

    1. Thank you! The blitz has been awesome.

      Nope, never got engaged to my husband. We just decided on day that we wanted to go to Vegas, and wouldn't it be funny if we were married by Elvis while we were there! :)


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