
Friday, May 18, 2012

Random Acts of Kindness Blitz

Angela and Becca at The Bookshelf Muse created this awesome blitz to celebrate the release of their book, The Emotion Thesaurus. Kindness is powerful. Even the smallest kind gesture can fuel a person and keep them going. Little things like a comment on a blog or a shared tweet.

The writing community is full of encouraging people that know the value of a small kindness. It always amazes how wonderful you all are. You've made me smile on bad days and given strength when I feel like giving up. Are we feeling like a group hug yet?

Wait! I want to do something for you. All of you. It's the very least I can do for a community that has done so much for me.

For the first ten people to email me, send five pages of anything you've written, and I will critique them. A novel chapter, a short story, a query. I'll give you my honest opinion. My strengths are with romance and action scenes. So if you need to know if a scene is steamy or if you want some help giving an action scene more oomph, I can help. I'm a blunt and honest critic. Not everything I say will be pretty, but I compliment the positive as well as point out what needs work. I've worked a lot this past year on honing my critique skills. A fresh pair of eyes might be of some help for you. Just click on my profile to contact me or go right from my site.

You guys rock!

I have a thank you and a reminder for you too.

A big thank you to the awesome Clare Dugmore for passing on to me the Kreativ Blogger award. She is a talented young writer and has a fantastic blog. Go check it out!

A reminder that Monday starts Cherie Reich's 2nd Annual Flash Fiction Blogfest. This year, the prompt is "Lightning flashed." A dramatic beginning! She has some great prizes. Head on over and sign up.


  1. Thanks for the shout and, and congratulations on your awards. :D

  2. got my flash ready =)

    and i got that award too, i'm putting a twist on the kreativ blogger - it needs an update

    thanks for the offer! i'm taking you up on a romantic scene or a chase scene...woo hoo!

    1. I have my flash ready too! Cool. Can't wait to read it. :)

  3. Thanks for your very kind ROAK offcer!! I was all over that like white on rice :) I am so looking forward to the flash fiction blog hop. I havn't felt this excited about writing in a while (been in the editing zone too long). I have to thank you because I found out about it on your site :)


    1. You're welcome! That's awesome. The flash fiction bloghop will be lots of fun.

  4. congrats on your award! It's so sweet of you to volunteer your time for other writers as a thank you.

    1. Thanks! I hope I can be a little help to someone. Have a good weekend!

  5. What an awesome idea! I love the Bookshelf Muse and can't wait to get their book. Congrats on your award, it's definitely well deserved. :)

  6. There's still a few more openings if someone wants to send something. :)

  7. What a generous offer--I'm off to tweet! Thanks for joining us!


  8. What a great gesture! You're absolutely right about the supportive writing community.

  9. Congratulations on the award! I'm working on my next book so don't have time for flash fiction I'm afraid.

  10. Congrats on the award! I love the blogfest--will have to see if I can come up with an idea this weekend. :)

  11. Congrats on the awards. This community is fantastic. I wish I had time for the blogfest. I'm writing fall's release, editing July's & what you posted about submissions recently has me rewriting an old short story.

  12. What a really nice thing to do! I'm sure the writers you critique will benefit immensely from it!

  13. Congratulations on the award! :)

    It's really nice of you to offer to critique people's work.

  14. That's a wonderful act of kindness, Cherie! Honest, helpful feedback is a writer's best friend. :)

  15. what a generous person you are--nice idea!

  16. Great offer Christine:) The Emotion Thesaurus is fantastic...

  17. I hope that people enjoyed your generous offer! I gave you a little award over at my blog (though I see it is the one just got). Oh well, more award love!

  18. I love all the random kindness stuff going around the blogosphere! What a sweet offer for everyone.

  19. What a neat and encouraging meme! And great offer. The FF blog fest sounds fun; not sure if I can participate in this one, though.

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse, road tripping through the #atozchallenge participants!


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