
Sunday, May 27, 2012

Lucky 7 Meme - another round

I want to thank the wicked Mina Lobo from Some Dark Romantic for awarding me the Lucky 7 Meme. She posted a cool excerpt from her WIP and it involves vampires. Check it out!

I've done this one before, but I'm going to pick an older manuscript that's in need of a bit of sun.

Here are the rules:
1. Go to page 77 of your manuscript.
2. Go to line 7.
3. Copy down the next 7 lines as they're written. No cheating!
4. Post them on your blog.
5. Tag 7 other writers. (I'm not going to tag anyone. I'm doing this again just for fun. So if anyone else wants to, go for it!)

This is from my epic fantasy called "The Cursed Land." It's near 200,000 words. Yes, I was ambitious. It would work better as a fantasy romance and broken into three books. Maybe one day!

Here's my excerpt:
Rodolf is not going to send the soldiers to get you! If he was going to do that, then he wouldn't have taken us with him. Not everyone is out to get you, Peri.”
Peri made a little noise of disbelief. “No, you’re not, but Rodolf is a Guard, remember? It’s his duty. I’m a marked girl."


  1. sounds exciting--and how neat would it be as a trilogy!

  2. A guards gotta do what a gurads gotta do :)


  3. a very intriguing passage. Well done!

  4. That's pretty good... wow 200K words... pretty impressive.

  5. you are so inspiring to me! I would love to someday say I wrote 200,000 words!! good for you...I love your writing, draws the audience in...

  6. Boy, that sounds familiar! I think I may have read it in the past!

    1. I think maybe you have read it, or at least, read the beginning of it. :)

  7. Thank you all. It was the longest time I spent writing a single book. It took two years.

  8. Kudos on a very piquant passage! But it hardly seems long enough - I'd been hung up on whether "7 lines" meant 7 sentences or actual page lines on the MS, know what I mean? Which is all my long-winded way of saying, "More, please." :-)
    Some Dark Romantic

    1. Thank you! I took 7 lines to mean 7 sentences. I might be wrong, though!

  9. A marked girl hmmm. Is this an allusion to the Scarlet Letter? or does it have a new meaning here?

    1. A new meaning. Marked means she's marked for breeding because fertile females are uncommon in a land cursed by the gods.

  10. i was going to make a similar comment as Lucy's! I like you're reasoning behind Marked. that's so interesting. I want to read more of this to find out what happens.


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