
Friday, May 25, 2012

Friday Five for May 25th

1. I've started work on a new project and I'm writing from the male POV. It's slow going. I adore the character, but it's difficult for me to grasp his male voice. I'm telling myself to just push on and get the story out. I can work on the voice when I revise it.

2. In that same story, characters are naming themselves. I had names picked out, but they refused them! Even the city named itself. It baffles me when this happens, but it lets me know this is going to be a great story.

3. I've been keeping up with my goal of writing one short story a month and submitting it. My writer's group liked my latest sci-fi short story. I've revised it and submitted it. I still haven't heard about my Cthulhu short story, but their deadline is July 31st. I might not hear for a while yet.

4. The public pools open tomorrow. I'm excited about it, but at the same time it begins my annual exercise on how to work around not wearing a bathing suit in public. I don't know why people still accuse me of being a vampire. I'm pale, yes, but those are freckles, not sparkles!

5. Sherlock was awesome. The finale of Modern Family was hilarious. I'm finally catching up on Game of Thrones. And True Blood starts in a few weeks!


  1. Lol, it's so weird when characters reject the names you gave them! It happens to me sometimes too.

    Good luck with the male POV, it's hard work, but I think it will be worth it in the end!

    1. Oh, I know! I thought the names I picked out were cool, but obviously they weren't good enough! *LOL* Hopefully I can make the male POV work. It's still rough going.

  2. Sherlock was awesome. I liked most of Modern Family but the part with Mitchell and Cameron made me sad. Game of Thrones has been great (big, big episode this coming Sunday) and I'm finally caught up on True Blood so I can watch the new episodes as they happen.

    Good luck with your writing...sounds like you've got a lot going on there.

    1. Yeah, the bit with Mitchell and Cam made me sad too. They're my favorite part of the show. I'm waiting on the deaths in Game of Thrones. So many people I hate are still alive! *LOL*

  3. sounds like you are very well organized---i love and identify with your characters naming themselves----i loved modern family's finale too!

    1. Thanks! It's sometimes rough when characters do that, but I can't argue with what their personalities are like, and names have a lot to do with it.

  4. I can relate to the pale!
    And now you know how I felt tackling a woman's point of view. It's tough.

    1. I've always been told I think like a man, but really, I think like a woman just not like most women! If that makes sense.

  5. Good luck with your writing. Male POV is tricky, that's for sure. I have a lot of fun with it, though.

    Have a great weekend!

  6. great news! have a fun filled, memorial day in the shade! i'm with ya!

    1. Shade and a good book. I got my pile from the library yesterday. I'm set! Have a good weekend!

  7. I suppose I should watch SHERLOCK soon. I'm just making my way through BATTLESTAR GALACTICA for the first time; watched half of that entire series this week.

    1. Sherlock only really has six episodes. Not too much to watch. Yet Battlestar rocks. One of the best sci-fi series ever.

  8. I'm not much for writing from a male POV- but bravo to you for writing in it and making it work.

    1. Thanks! It's a challenge for me, but I like challenges and I love where the story wants to take me.

  9. Wow...I tried the one story a month and failed, terribly. When I'm having trouble with voice I tend to visualize a composite character. Something like Riddick (vin diesel) meets Hannibal Lector. LOL. That keeps me in character. =) I'm sure you'll find his voice. Or he'll find you as most often happens. =) Have a great weekend!

    1. That's a good idea! Thank you. :) I can play characters I know really well like Lucius Malfoy or Dean and Sam Winchester. Though, I think my character will be older. More like that old man in UP meets Han Solo. Wow... that just sounds really weird! *LOL*

  10. Ha! The indignities of wearing a bathing suit in public, I'm with you on that. I'm stepping up my exercise program for it.
    Good luck on those short stories!
    Catherine Stine’s Idea City

    1. I keep meaning to exercise, but it's either that or write, and writing always wins! :) Thanks for the luck.

  11. Great list!

    Sometimes, when I'm writing in male POV, (which I find challenging too) I go to my brother's house and hang out. He is a bachelor and has a lot of guy friends that crash there. I'm such a girly girl, it is hard for me to think like a guy. But being there, watching them and listening, always helps. And makes me laugh. SO, bonus.

    Can't wait for True Blood in a few weeks. :)

    1. Thanks! That's a good idea. I lived with a house full of guys in university. All they cared about was beer and video games! *LOL*

  12. Ohmigosh, if you start me thinking about Benedict Cumberbatch (Sherlock), I'll never be able to settle down, focus, and be productive...though I suppose the swirling tides of sexiness could plant the seed (pardon the pun) for a tale or two...or three...or... ;-)
    Some Dark Romantic

    1. Heh. I giggled at your pun. Benedict is good fodder for writing. I do wish I could write someone that wonderfully quirky.

  13. here's a tip for writing in male voice: Women (as you know) like being desired. This is why romance books work for women. Men do not feel the same way. Desire is meaningless. If someone desires them that they do not in turn desire, it's repugnant. So men seek the object, women seek the desire. That's just a personal observation on life.

    1. Thank you. That's very helpful. Have a great weekend!

  14. I love writing from the male POV. My guys speak right up. The women are way more reserved at the beginning, as if they're making me prove myself.

  15. I think it is awesome when your characters have such strong voices. Our pools opened a couple weeks ago, but I haven't taken the kids yet. We promised to do that tomorrow. Have a great weekend!!!

    1. I love the strong voices too and how they take me along in the story. Have a fun weekend!

  16. Sometimes my characters get out of control too :)

    Congrats on submitting one short story a month. My goal has only been for 4 written and submitted for the year. I don't get as much time to write as I'd like.

    Have a good weekend Christine :)


    1. Thanks! Four for the year is still pretty good. I think I might have to cut my number in half for next year just to give me time to work on other things.

  17. Good luck with your writing and submissions!

    Sherlock sounds quite good--but I'm hoping I can get around to reading the original stories again (I've forgotten . . . well, most of it) before I go and watch something based on them.

    1. Thanks! I think you can enjoy the series of Sherlock without reading the original stories again. I know a few people that get annoyed that the new series isn't much like the original books.

  18. Good luck with writing in the male POV. I'm doing that with a six-year-old male POV. Quite a challenge!

    1. Thanks! Oh my, that would be. Yet it sounds fun!

  19. Awesome progress with your short stories, and can't wait to read your story with a male POV... how exciting. Have fun at the pools:)

    1. Thanks! It's boiling hot already today and the little guy is just waking up from his nap. Here we go out into the heat!

  20. You are doing very well to write one short story a month, that is great progress. Well done!

  21. My characters always name themselves, apart from one who I knew needed a very specific name (lots of baby name books for that guy). Sherlock is an amazing series.

    1. I love looking at the baby name sites. More and more lately in stories, my characters are naming themselves. I use to try to find a name with meaning to their personality, but now they don't care!

  22. LOL @ the characters (and city) named it self. those most be some really GREAT characters. and a name says a lot!

    how'd it work out with the pools opening and you determined not to wear a swimsuit? I bet your son loves the pool! so this may be a long summer!

    1. The pool was fun. I wore a swimsuit bottom and a t-shirt on top. That's how I get away with it! I don't like how swimsuit tops show too much of a woman's chest. And yes, the little guy loved it! We're heading to the pool again today.


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