
Thursday, February 9, 2012

Tundra 37 released, blogfests and such

Aubrie Dionne's newest science-fiction romance novel, Tundra 37 is now available. It's the second book in the New Dawn series. The first one was spectacular. I can't wait to read this on my Nook! You can buy it on Amazon or Barnes & Noble. I'll be having an interview with Aubrie on the 25th. Please come join us.

There's a bunch of great blogfests going on right now:
I'll tumble 4 ya blogfest is this Friday. Tell us who you have a crush on in the '80's!
The Origins blogfest is this coming Monday. How did you become a writer?
The Critique Partner blogfest starts this Friday and goes through to Monday. If you're looking for a critique partner or beta readers, this is the place for you.
The Hook, Line & Sinker blogfest is this Monday too. Post a 500 - 1000 word hook to be critiqued and critique other participants' entries.

Don't forget the Fourth Writers' Platform Building Campaign has begun. Click now to sign up! It's an amazing experience. I did it last fall and I'll do it again this fall.

I finished the first draft of my Steampunk Cthulhu short story. I'm letting it sit a few days before I edit it. It's with my CP's already and then it will go to my writers' group to be critiqued. My short stories are really getting a workout this year.


  1. Glad you finished your short story! All set for the two upcoming blogfests.

    1. I'm doing two of the blogfests myself. Can't wait!

  2. That's a fabulous cover.

    1. Entangled does such wonderful covers. I especially like the ones they do for Aubrie's books.

  3. There's lots going on around the blogosphere these days.

    Congrats on finishing your short story!

    1. Thanks! There are lots of blogfests. Keeps us writers warm in the cold of winter, I guess!

  4. So much happening:-) Thanks for all the links... haven't heard of them all.

  5. I'm so glad you mentioned the Crusade, I keep missing it and wanting to do it. So now I'm signed up!

  6. Oooo . . . congrats on finished your first draft. That's huge! And it sounds like you did it just in time with all this other stuff going on. Have fun!

  7. Good luck with your writing! Short stories are great. I actually added two in my books. One to kick off the series and one to end the second book. You never know when or how you may end up using short stories.

  8. Looks like a great book, Christine.

  9. so much is happening on the blogsphere at the moment! COngrats on finishing the first draft of your short story.

  10. Thanks so much for featuring my book today! You're such a great writer friend to me!


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