
Friday, January 20, 2012

Venturing into plotter territory

I finished my first short story of the year and submitted it. It shines... as much as a supernatural story with a gory crime scene can shine. I'm happy to be on track with one thing this month.

With that out of the way, I'm concentrating on starting the revisions for Witch's First Rule (WFR). I've been re-reading it and I don't like the way it's written. Once upon a time, I thought it was genius. Oh, how naive was I. It's amazing to think that just in a matter of a few years, my writing style and standards have changed so much. It's going to take a lot of rewriting, but I have faith in the story itself.

To clear out all the clutter, I made a plot points list. Yes, you read correctly. I made a list. I actually made a couple of lists. I'm not saying I'm abandoning my pantser nature, but this plotter technique is helping me see the story in a different light. I can organize the plot, making sure there's enough action to keep the reader on the edge of their seat.

I'm a pantser with first drafts, but I've grown into a plotter when it comes to revisions. Perhaps I've found my true writer's path. It's only taken *mumblemumble* years.

In other news, my son is doing better. His mood is good and his cough is going away. Hooray! Yet we had to go into the clinic this morning for me. I have strep throat. I'm a good sick person, though. I will be spending the weekend reading and playing Dragon Warrior 3 on the DS. Hope you have a good weekend!


  1. Congratulations on one short story submitted! And we'll make a plotter out of you yet.

    1. I'm getting paranoid with all these plotters plotting to make me a plotter!

  2. Aloha Christine,

    I found you via the '80s Crushes Blogfest and wanted to say you had a new follower as soon as I read the "My toddler has too much energy... tag:)

    We've got three boys and I feel your need to sleep:)

    Good luck with all your writing projects and glad to hear your little guy is feeling better (always a stressful time...)

    1. Oy, three boys. I can hardly keep up with one! Thank you and I can't wait for the blogfest.

  3. Hooray on your submission! And the best of luck, too. I started writing two years ago and I've learned a lot. It makes me want to go back and rewrite my first novel, though. Uggg! Hope you feel better:)

    1. Thanks! I feel a lot better today now that I have antibiotics in my system. My glands are no longer the size of golf balls.

  4. The more I grow as a writer the more I find myself plotting. I'm going to do a little experiment on my next MS and do an in depth plotting. I'm curious to see where it goes :)

    1. I'm finding the same thing. Maybe the plotters have a little more wisdom than the pantsers in a few things. Maybe!

  5. I hope you hear some good news about the story you've written. And yes, I agree with Alex. We'll make a plotter out of you yet. Muahaha!

  6. Congratulations and best of luck on your story submission!! Sorry to hear you're sick though, I hope you and your son both get to rest and feel better this weekend.

    Totally love the cat at the top of your post! :D

    1. Thank you! I'm feeling much better today with antibiotics in my system.

  7. For me the plotting/pantsing thing seems to change from novel to novel. Just when I think I have myself figured out, I decide to do something different.

    Glad to hear your son is doing better!

    1. I think that might be it. It is different from novel to novel for me too.

  8. I ama pantser that's embraced plotting or some kind of structure. Glad to hear your son is getting better.

    1. I might take a few things from the plotters, but there's a great rush in being a pantser while writing that first draft.

  9. Good luck with your short story submission!

    I'm glad to hear your son is doing better. :)

  10. yes, give into the plotting! Comes to the dark side! Muahahahaha!

  11. Strep is no fun. Congratulations on finishing and submitting your first short story of the year! Hope the mini-plotting helps you.

    1. Thanks! The plotting is helping a lot. The story is going to be very different from the original draft.

  12. A weekend off is sometimes good - esp since you've been nursing your family, it's your turn to relax:) Good idea with the plotting for revisions.. makes it so much easier to picture everything:)

    1. It really is helping a lot. It gives me hope that I might actually be able to revise three novels this year as I planned.

  13. Congrats on the SS. You may have inspired me. Just finished one myself for a contest. My hats off to you for the 'one a month' goal. I found that fitting everything into 1000 words or less was grueling, but then they don't call me the Queen of Verbosity for nothing.

    I have a novel that needs rewritten, maybe I should look into that plotting thing.

    Glad to hear the babe is better, hope you are too - soon.

    1. Thanks and congrats to you too for finishing one off. I have problems with making stories short as well. I'm feeling better today. The antibiotics have kicked in!

  14. Glad your son is feeling better, but sorry about your strep! :( Feel better soon!

    I've become a panster who sometimes plots. ;) Or has learned how to set certain plot points to aim for? Or something?

    1. Thanks! I'm feeling better today. I'd like to think we've gained enough wisdom as pantsers to know a few plot points can be plotted!

  15. way to find your groove! we all meed a little of both =)


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