
Wednesday, April 3, 2019

#IWSG for April 2019

The Insecure Writer's Support Group (IWSG) is the brilliant idea of Alex J. Cavanaugh. The purpose of the group is to share doubts and insecurities and to encourage one another. Please visit the other participants and share your support. A kind word goes a long way.

This month's awesome co-hosts are: J.H. Moncrieff, Natalie Aguirre, Patsy Collins, and Chemist Ken!

April's optional question: If you could use a wish to help you write just ONE scene/chapter of your book, which one would it be?

I know exactly where I need help. It's that part before the big climax. Something must happen just before the protagonist hits rock bottom. It must be relevant to the plot and yet not take away from the climax which is to come. It's like the second middle. I can get over the hump of the middle, but that second time, it's tough, especially being a pantser.

My insecurities: I put the two novels I had been working on aside. That has caused me a lot of anxiety. I believe in hard work and pushing through, but my muse has never dug in her heels this deeply before. Yet I started a new project and it's flowing wonderfully. Good, yes, but I dislike leaving things unfinished.

How's your writing been going so far this year?


  1. I think if you're working on something new and it's going well, it was probably a good decision to set the other projects aside. They'll still be there when you're ready for them.

  2. Awesome that you are working on something that is working well for you. Maybe this new project will give you the inspiration to go back to the other ones.

  3. Good luck with the new project! Sometimes we have to adjust in new ways to get things flowing again. I've had to do that recently, too. Have a wonderful month!

  4. That new project will give you energy and you'll be excited when you get back to the other projects.

  5. Don't think of those two novels as unfinished - think of them as waiting their turns. :)

    I have enough trouble with the one middle let alone a second middle. Yikes!

  6. Yes, it's the lull before the storm, which can be hard to write. It can be a time for answers to questions before all hell breaks loose.

    I agree with Madeline. There's a reason why your muse turned elsewhere and it's flourishing. It'll go back when the timing is right.

  7. Glad to hear you are having success with a new project. Sometimes, we just need a break, especially as pantsers. It gives our subconscious time to do the heavy lifting (or the muse, if you prefer).

    As for me, the writing is fine, but I haven't been as consistent or as prolific as I'd hoped--too many other things are stealing my time. That's the one thing that's always consistent, sadly.

    1. Oh, how I know about everything else stealing time from writing. And I like how you said that about needing a break so the subconscious can do the heavy lifting. :)

  8. Nothing like having multiple WIPs all demanding your attention. It's nice being able to switch between manuscripts, working on whichever interests you most at the time, but productivity (and your insecurities) may suffer from it.

    1. I usually focus on one, so that really gets to me!

  9. I don't like leaving things unfinished either. Makes me a little crazy inside.

  10. I also hate putting things on hiatus, but if the words aren't naturally flowing, it's better to set them aside till the passion and motivation are reawakened.

  11. My next book has several stories in it and I keep switching off which one I'm writing. When I'm writing, that is.

  12. I do like to wrap things up that I start, but sometimes that just can't happen when you expect it should. It will work out and you'll pull those stories out later and finish them.

  13. The part before the climax scares me too, I need to start building it a little ahead.

    1. I have no problem with the climax and action, it's that down moment right before. What to fit there?

  14. Maybe your muse is doing this because she needs more time to figure out those 2 novels. She's working on them in the background while you work on these new ones.

  15. The other projects will wait for you. ^_^ Sometimes things need to be set aside. Can’t stop the flow.

    I feel like I struggle most at the very end. It’s like I don’t know what to do after the climax.

  16. I have realised that the longer I take on projects the less interested I become/the more I disconnect from the story or characters. It's good to leave it and work on something else rather than battel with it. When I battle with any story I ruin it.

    I struggle mostly with openings and closings. They come naturally for the first draft, but then I tend to revise them to death.

    Can you guess? My writing is somewhat stilted so far this year. LOL!

    1. Yes, that's how I feel too. If I force the story out and wrestle it onto the screen, it's no good.

  17. Glad your writing is flowing, despite having to set aside your other stories. I hope you get past the deep darkness before the battle!

  18. Your mind will still work on your books even if they are pushed aside for a while. That's why we feel so inspired the next time we take a look. Resting is a good choice. ;-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  19. I have a lot of unfinished work. It'll be there if I need it. So great that you're feeling inspired about the current project!

  20. I definitely have some unfinished work, but the siren song of a new project swept me off my feet and it's going well, so I'm hoping to finish this "new-new" one before going back to the others.
    Happy writing!

    1. Good luck, Tyrean! Hopefully we both can finish the new-new ones. :)

  21. LOL. I hate leaving things unfinished also, but it sounds like you did the right thing.

  22. Maybe the muse just needs a break. I know I had a story that I though was a lost cause, but when I looked at it a year later I saw it with different eyes and how to fix it.

    Middles are my angst. Happy IWSG

    1. Yes, time and distance sometimes really helps. Thanks for stopping by, Juneta!

  23. There's a second middle hump? Crap. *Stomps off to look for mine.* LOL.

    Our muses have minds of their own. Just let them have their way, it's easier ;)

    1. *LOL* Well, some stories have them. I like to have a little something before I smash my hero into pieces and hope they can pull everything together again to defeat the big bad!

  24. Those middle-of-the-story sections can be quite unnerving, especially when you really want to get it just right.

  25. I think that switching between two projects will make the muse very happy...
    Remember that taking a break often boosts creativity in new and unexpected ways.

  26. Don't angst too much over the unfinished projects. Keep up the work on the new one. Someday, the time will be right for you to go back to the unfinished ones. Good luck!

  27. Sometimes working on something else is all the muse needs. I know you'll get back to those other books in time.

  28. I often set projects aside to work on other things if that's best. I hope you're able to get that middle piece together.

  29. No real scenes I'd make a wish for, but probably just the character's voice and pacing :)

  30. Sometimes, stories can't be forced and it's better to set them aside. AS to my I need more time in life for many things.

  31. That's SUCH a great part of the story to focus on... uggggh. I so get exactly what you mean. I need help there too. If you figure it out the secret, will you share? ;)

  32. Yay for newly flowing projects! Sometimes you've just gotta clear the energy with something that works. Also, the second middle--I could totally use a magic wish for that one :)

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