
Wednesday, October 3, 2018

#IWSG for October 2018

The Insecure Writer's Support Group (IWSG) is the brilliant idea of Alex J. Cavanaugh. The purpose of the group is to share doubts and insecurities and to encourage one another. Please visit the other participants and share your support. A kind word goes a long way.

This month's awesome co-hosts are: Dolorah @ Book Lover,Christopher D. Votey, Tanya Miranda, and Chemist Ken!

This month's optional question: How do major life events affect your writing? Has writing ever helped you through something?

Writing has helped me through everything! I've been creating stories since I was a small child, and I honestly believe it is the one thing that has given me hope, strength, and kept me sane. They say writing is better than therapy, and I couldn't agree more.

Major life events do affect my writing, and I'm certain every writer out there will be saying the same thing. Leaving home, university, deaths, marriage, sickness, and having a child. It's interesting to look at my stories through the years, and I've kept them all. Each event has changed not only me but the way I write too. And I think it a wonderful thing. If an author didn't change over the years, I would worry something was wrong. They aren't learning and growing. They've become stagnant.

Insecurities: I'm still dealing with getting into a proper routine to be not only physically better but happy with what I'm doing and not grudgingly trying to stay healthy. It's difficult because it takes me away from the computer. I still feel guilty for not being around online as often, but slowly, things are sliding into place.

* * * * *

Look what's out now!

Enter our mysterious realms where the stories are as varied and rich as the types of soil on this and other planets. Enchanted forests are knotted with roots and vines. Dreaded paths take us through strange, unexplored places.

Investigate new worlds and houses frequented by ghosts. Come across witches and wizards and an assassin tasked to kill Death.

Meet hot robots, hungry winds, and the goddess of chaos. Explore alien lands, purgatorial realms, and a shocking place where people bury the living with their dead.

Encounter paranormal detectives, imprisoned dragons, dark demons, cursed jewels, and handsome prophets. Search shifting worlds trapped in mirrors and a disturbing future where a president aims to rid the world of Otherkind.

Experience a haunted journey on a riverboat, water sprites borne of pennies, preternatural creatures, ancient serpents, and the Lady of the Lake who lurks in dark waters.

From USA Today bestselling and popular science fiction and fantasy authors comes Elements of Untethered Realms , a supernatural compilation of the anthologies Twisted Earths Mayhem in the Air Ghosts of Fire , and Spirits in the Water . These forty thrilling tales feature authors Angela Brown, Jeff Chapman, Cathrina Constantine, Julie Flanders, River Fairchild, Gwen Gardner, Misha/M. Gerrick, Meradeth Houston, Graeme Ing, Simon Kewin, M. Pax, Christine Rains, Cherie Reich, and Catherine Stine.

Buy it here:
Amazon * B&N * Kobo * Google Play iTunes

Add it to read on Goodreads.


  1. Feeling guilty just seems to be one of those things writers always do. Don't feel guilty about feeling guilty. Just ride with it and you'll eventually find your own schedule that works for you.

    Congrats on Elements. I picked it up yesterday and can't wait to read it.

    1. Thanks so much, Ken! I'm slowly working on that schedule.

  2. We have to take care of ourselves if we want to be creative and write! Hope you are on an upward slope to feeling better. Congrats on your new release!

    1. Thanks, Jennifer! Here's hoping I can keep moving up, even if the slope isn't at such a severe angle. =P

  3. Everything will work out, Christine. You'll find your way, physically and overall. No doubt here! :)

    Congrats on the story!

  4. "If an author didn't change over the years, I would worry something was wrong." Excellent point. Congrats on the anthology! Happy IWSG day.

    Ronel visiting on Insecure Writer's Support Group day: Course Correction

  5. Great post, Christine, and so true, at least for me.

    I'm sure you'll find a way to achieve a routine that works for you.

  6. Congratulations on the anthology!
    Don't begrudge that health. Keep after it.

  7. Love the cover for the anthology! So awesome and I hope the book is a big success for the group.
    I'm glad you are focusing on taking care of yourself. I have pulled back from being online for the same reason and it definitely makes a difference for me. Hope your health continues to get better! Take care.

    1. Thanks, Julie! You've been doing fantastically. :)

  8. I just picked up a copy of Elements - looking forward to reading it :-) You struck a chord with me talking about "begrudging" your health. I feel that way at times. Why can't this stupid body just work properly? Glad your health is improving and that you're feeling good about it.

    1. Thank you, Ellen! I could use with a new body. =P

  9. You're changing or you're stagnating and nothing in nature stagnates.

    Congrats on the release.

  10. Change is difficult, but I do love what it reveals after the fact.
    Elements sounds amazing!

  11. While change is hard, it's inevitable, so your way of managing it is perfect. Congratulations on all fronts!

  12. I write through my trauma too. In fact, I've found some pieces I go to rewrite end up taking on a new theme because that's what's in my heart at the time.

    I'm with you on the better routine. So far so good. Two weeks of actually exercising! HUGE win here.

    1. Two weeks is awesome! I try to stretch every day and we go to the YMCA twice a week. If I can make that a routine, it will be easier to add another day later. Thanks for popping in, Crystal! :)

  13. It's hard not to feel guilty. Especially when the changes to your health feel so dramatic. You can't stop thinking about all that you used to do and wishes for to go back in time. You have to accept a new reality and learn how to work around it.

    1. Slowly learning to accept. Though if I could buy a new body... ;)

  14. The Untethered Realms' covers are all gorgeous!

    College was pretty devastating for my writing. After my freshman year, the only creative writing I did was for class. I didn't get back to it for myself until 2 years after I graduated, and it was literally the hardest writing I've ever done.

    1. I didn't write much during university either. Though my professors had to put a maximum word count limit on essays! Hehehe.

  15. You come first. Stay healthy that way you can always come back to us with a little something special. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  16. Hi Christine - you're doing great with the life change: staying healthy is great for you and the family. Take care and congratulations on Elements of Untethered Realms - cheers Hilary

  17. Healthy comes first!!! Take care of yourself :)

  18. That taking care of self really can be an issue. I struggle with that. I find it difficult to write during crisis buy I try. Story idea's and planning actually are something I seem to do easier than actual writing during tough times. Happy IWSG Day.

    1. I'm finding it easier to do editing and revising these days than actual writing. So at least I'm being productive on that front!

  19. Your health is important too. Don't feel guilty that you need to focus on it. And awesome how writing has helped you through everything.

  20. Yup! I think you have spoken for me in regard to the question of the month as well as your insecurities. Writing is a thoughtful process that can often help us find answers and contend with the difficult things in life for which we can find no logical answers.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. True words, Arlee. It is the best type of therapy. (For us writers!)

  21. I loved reading about your growth as a writer! And best wishes on your health adjustments and living life fully! Way to go!
    BTW - I'm going to get that book now. :)

  22. Don't give up. You'll soon figure out what works for you. I'm looking forward to reading this anthology!

  23. Ah yes, the guilt. Funny thing isn't it. Feeling guilty for being healthy. I'm glad it's starting to find its place.

    1. It is a weird thing. Thanks for stopping by, Holly!

  24. Congrats on the release. Figuring out a routine is tough and sticking with it sometimes a struggle. You will do it. Love the cover the anthology. Happy IWSG Day.

  25. Congrats on the release of Elements Of Untethered Realms!
    Your health is top priority. We have to take care of ourselves. The writing will always be there, waiting...

  26. Know what you mean about feeling guilty. I'm the same way whenever I fall behind on the blogosphere and such. And I'm glad to hear you've been making your health a priority--your own well-being should always come first! Hopefully the new routine will feel like less of a chore for you soon...

    1. I'm still working on it. It doesn't help when there has been so much going on outside of my writing life. Things will settle down soon... in January maybe! =P

  27. I've been doing pretty good with my exercising and took off a lot of weight in the last few months. I think about scenes when I'm on my elliptical to make up for the time away from the computer.

    1. That's awesome, Susan! I need a machine in the house, but there isn't a single place to put it in our tiny home.

  28. You definitely need to take care of your health first. I hope you’re doing okay, Christine. (((Hugs)))

  29. That's a good point about growing as a writer through life's changes. It's hard to strike balance between life and writing.

    1. That's the truth. Life just keeps throwing curveballs and oversized twisty balls at us! =P

  30. It's hard to find the balance between butt in chair time and health. I joined a gym. People will ask me what it takes to finish a book and I tell them five pounds. That would be funny if it wasn't true. Good luck finding your balance.

    1. Ha! I like that. We belong to the YMCA, and we go twice a week, but I know I need more than that. Thanks, Elizabeth!

  31. My writing suffers pretty easily, from a simple cold to family drama. I wish it wasn't so, but it is.

  32. Routine is key. Without it, I can't write.

    1. Definitely getting into the regular habit is vital.

  33. I've added the Untethered Realms release to the October newsletter! And I agree that writers have to be growing and changing or they get stagnant. We should always be trying new things.

  34. Really late coming in here, but that's awesome you're taking steps toward a healthier you! Change is tough and usually not fun. Go you for getting at it!

    Can't wait to dig into Elements!

    1. Thanks, Loni. I'm used to ignoring my physical self, so it's tough making those changes. Slowly I'm getting there...


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