
Wednesday, August 1, 2018

#IWSG for August 2018

The Insecure Writer's Support Group (IWSG) is the brilliant idea of Alex J. Cavanaugh. The purpose of the group is to share doubts and insecurities and to encourage one another. Please visit the other participants and share your support. A kind word goes a long way.

This month's awesome co-hosts are: Erika Beebe, Sandra Hoover,Susan Gourley, and Lee Lowery!

This month's optional question: What pitfalls would you warn other writers to avoid on their publication journey?

Don't publish your story until it's ready. You'll want to get it out there as quick as you can and share it with the world. But don't. Make sure you have an editor, critique partners, and beta readers. Revise, revise, and revise again. I've seen too many authors put out their books before they've been polished, and readers do notice. Sometimes we feel the stories are never ready, but that is another lesson on learning to overcome the fear and letting go.

My insecurities: I blinked and summer break is gone. My son goes back to school next week. I'm eager to get back into my regular writing schedule, but I see everything I want to do looming before me. One thing at a time, I tell myself, but sometimes the shadows make everything look like too much.

Take a deep breath and exhale slowly.

We're insecure writers. We can do anything... right? Maybe?


  1. One step at a time, that's all we can do. And if anyone can do it, you can, Christine! :)

  2. Schools don't start here until Sept. 6, but my daughter has two huge summer assignments in E.L.A. (English for us oldtimers--she has to read Homer's The Odyssey) and World History. Bleh. I hate being the evil homework enforcer.

    1. I keep waiting to see what age they assign my son summer homework. He did the library's reading challenge but he reads all the time anyway!

  3. It's hard to believe it's already time for back to school. I hope your little guy has a great year ahead of him. And I've no doubt you will get to everything you want to do. You rock!

    1. Thanks, Julie! Here's to a great school year. :)

  4. Just tackle one task at a time and you'll be all right.

    1. That's all we can do. (Unless you have clones! ;) )

  5. Not only did I blink and it was August, I blinked and the year is almost over!

    1. Totally! This year is going by super fast. I'm already making holiday plans. Yikes!

  6. Great advice, Christine!!!

    Our kids don't go back to school until after Labor Day up here in the north.

    Have a good month ahead with lots of writing!

    1. Thank you, Cathrina! It's weird to me the kids go back in August here because I always went back Labor Day too.

  7. How can school be starting already? That's a sure sign that summer is slipping away. I had hoped to get so much more done by now. I can't believe it's already August 1st.

    1. Me too! I'm trying to tackle my kitchen cupboard painting project before school starts next week. I had hoped to have it done by now. =P

  8. I'm sure you enjoyed summer with your fast-growing-up guy, but getting back to your work will be good too.

    1. It was a really good family fun summer this year. I do find it easier now he's older!

  9. Yes, wanting to just publish the bloody thing and move on to the next book is such a temptation. It's always the wrong move. Let your stories ripen as you revise. Let others read and react. Take the time you need to get everything right and then send it out into the world. Thanks for your comments.

    1. I fully agree. Readers may want it sooner, but we have to give them our best and the best takes time.

  10. I almost had a panic attack last week because of everything on my plate for this month. But when I took out a calendar and went over everything I had to do, one task at a time, I could see that I had plenty of time. It doesn't take me a month to format, for example, it takes a few hours. We don't do everything at once, after all - we do things one at a time. :)

    1. That's so true! Some things on my list are small. It's just that there's a lot of them! =P

  11. I always feel like I published before the book is ready each time I do it. Especially this last release when some pesky typos slipped through.

    1. Darn those pesky typos! They're like gremlins, sneaking in when we don't see them.

  12. There is a fine line between too soon and perfection. The trick is to find it before going wackadoodle. hehehe

    Anna from elements of emaginette

    1. *LOL* Yes, and we've all experience a little wackadoodle!

  13. Being sure your story is ready is key, and from reading other posts--including mine--many of us know how badly a poorly edited manuscript can reflect on the writer. Euuu. Send in the editors, please.

    1. So true. We're sometimes blind to our own mistakes. A fresh set of experienced eyes makes all the difference.

  14. I feel you on the summer being over in a blink. I totally didn't get everything done that I wanted to do because it went by so quickly.

    1. It's crazy! I did get in lots of family time, though. That's the important thing. :)

  15. Summer has flown by. I can't believe it's August already.

    1. I know! It's bonkers. Hope you're feeling better.

  16. I have to set a book aside long enough for it not to be filling my every thought - usually by sending it to my BETA readers. I refuse to let myself touch it until I get their feedback. By then, I'm able to look at it though fresh eyes.

    1. That's exactly what I do. :) Great minds think alike.

  17. We're in agreement, Christine! A book must be reader-ready before being published! Wishing you much success!

  18. Great tip, Christine. I think it's true also that our stories are never really finished. They can always be edited more. It's that balance, isn't it? Taking care to revise, revise, revise, but also knowing when it's time to send it out into the world?

    1. It's a tricky balance. I look back on old published stories and think I could change this and that. A sign that we grow as writers!

  19. Back to school so soon? We didn't go back until after Labor Day.

    I cringe when I hear (or read) a writer say she's finished the first draft, now to polish, get a cover, and it will be out next month. What?! That is rushing it.

    1. It does seem so soon, but the kids get out at the end of May instead of June here. No one should rush publishing. A lot of writers feel they have to these days to stay on top, but it shows in their writing.

  20. Good luck getting back into a writing routine! I'm juggling a few different things right now, too, and yeah, it's definitely daunting. I'm always in awe of what you accomplish, so I'm sure you'll figure it all out!

  21. I need to take a breath too. I feel overwhelmed. Good luck getting back into your schedule.

  22. That’s the best piece of advice and I’m seeing it everywhere today, including on my blog.

    Wow, is Brandon’s summer over already? It seems so short. Hope he had a good one!

    1. We had a fantastic summer. It did seem so short! Great minds think alike. :)

  23. I've seen so many writers who begin querying or go right to indie publication too soon. You're not ready to be published, in any fashion, if you have the mindset your work is perfect as-is and doesn't need any editing.

    1. Exactly! Much of the story comes together in revisions. No matter how we wish one draft is all it takes!

  24. patience, and PACING, lol. Can't do everything at once, or think of everything.

    Hope you had a good summer break.

    1. It was a fantastic break. And that's so true! :)

  25. This has been quite the recurring theme this month. Nothing ruins a book faster than sloppy or non-existent editing.

    And I'm with you - where did the summer go? School and autumn are right around the corner.

    1. I'm looking forward to autumn. My favorite season! Oh yes, sloppy editing makes me cringe. Thankfully my editor is fabulous.

  26. LOL, Don't rush seems to be the theme of the blog hop this time. Taking note. Patience can be a challenge with marked with excitement. Hope you find your routine again without trouble. Happy Belated IWSG,

    1. Thanks, Juneta! I'm late getting back around to everyone too. Eventually I'll catch up this month!


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