
Friday, July 21, 2017

Christmas in July Sale & Giveaway

Make your summer magical
with books!

There's nothing like sitting in the shade with a good book. Fantasy Book Giveaways is hosting a big romance sale and giveaway. All books are 99 cents or free. It's Christmas in July!

As if that isn't awesome on its own, you can enter for a chance to win a prize pack of over twenty fabulous books! Just click on the image above.

For the next week, you can get my paranormal romance book, The 13th Floor Complete Collection for only 99 cents. (That's 80% off!) The first novella in the series, The Marquis, is always free. And once you're hooked, you can get the entire series in one ebook.

Buy the book: Amazon *B&N * Kobo * Smashwords

Fill your ereader like you're stuffing a stocking!


  1. Thanks for the reminder about your book. I just picked it up. Actually I thought I'd already bought it before. My story must be driving me crazy.

  2. Wow, that's an amazing deal for the complete collection. Really need to re-read the 13th Floor one of these days. Still one of my favorite series! ^_^

  3. Wow! I love the 13th Floor collection so I know that's an amazing deal!

  4. Awesome! Cheers to all of those great sales! May you sell many, many books (to recoup your generosity).

  5. Cool! Got to love a Christmas in July sale, especially one about books:)


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