
Monday, January 23, 2017

Ghost Cat (Totem #5) and a #free ebook!

Bigfoot is rampaging through a small fishing town, and he has friends.

The whispers say a boy is missing. Kinley Dorn can’t ignore them. The last time she did, a giant almost killed her. Her investigation in the boy’s disappearance leads her and her boyfriend, Ransom Averill, to a village on Lake Iliamna. Unfortunately, that boy isn’t the only child missing.

Some folks claim Bigfoot is taking the children, but the gentle creature usually stays away from humans. Kinley believes a totem is making Bigfoot act strangely, but can she and Ransom find it before more kids are abducted?

I loved being able to play with a new Bigfoot myth in this story. It's based on an old Inuit legend about the Urayuli, a huge and hairy bushman similar to Bigfoot. I won't say anything else as I don't want to ruin the surprise, but this is one of my favorite myths.

To celebrate the release to the fifth book in the Totem series, I'm offering the second book for free for five days!


  1. Awesome! Thanks for the freebie! I'm loving book 1.

  2. Thanks Christine - that's a great offer and I'm sure will be enjoyed .. cheers Hilary

  3. Thanks for the freebie offer. Hope your book release is going well.

  4. Such an eerily beautiful cover, Christine!

  5. Congratulations on book five of the series!

  6. Congrats on releasing Book Five! I haven't started reading this series yet, but I'm really looking forward to it!

  7. Ooh, congratulations! I can't believe how fast you're getting all these out!

  8. Thank you for the free book! The covers are beautiful.

  9. Thank you, everyone! It's an exciting day. Plus, Kinley is my favorite of the sisters in this series. I relate most to her geekiness! :)

  10. Congratulations! It's hard to believe #5 is already out. Just a few more to go!

  11. Congrats! I bought it. Was going to get it yesterday but thought I'd save the ranking bump for release day.

  12. Awesome! I love the sound of it already. We're big into Bigfoot (the mythology and the stories... not like we actually hunt them or something...).

  13. Congrats! I love the twist with Bigfoot.

    Reading 13th Floor now and loving it.

  14. How exciting that the fifth book in your Totem series is out already! Many congrats, Christine!

  15. Huge congrats... so exciting and hoping you kill it :)

  16. Congrats on the latest release! Intrigued by that myth.

  17. Sounds like a great story! Congratulations on the new book!

  18. Hooray! I can't believe how fast you are getting this series out. Congratulations!!

  19. Yay!! Super congrats on your release. Sounds awesome!!

  20. Freebies are definitely welcome. Christine, you're just pumping these things out. Way to go!


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