
Tuesday, December 1, 2015

The Reader (Rifters #3) is here!

With the rift closed for the season and no more monsters to fight, Daelin Long gets bored as librarian in the podunk town of Settler, Oregon. A job interview and her brother’s arrival present a tempting opportunity to escape, until her brother and her best friend, a ghost, disappear.

While Daelin searches for them, more mysteries pile up: dead people coming back to life, portraits of the town founders replaced with strange white trees, and people on the other side of the rift returning. It’s impossible. The portal that allows monsters from other universes to come to Earth is sealed until next summer.

The Rifters, a secret group protecting our world, believe the troubles are nothing more than the tantrums of an offended ghost. Daelin disagrees. If she’s right, the evil hell-bent on destroying Earth has new technology making the rift more deadly.

Before the monster summons the next apocalypse, Daelin must find it and destroy it.

Book 3 in the Rifters series.

Need to catch up? You can read books 1 & 2 in the Rifters series for free by becoming an M. Pax Reader. ENTER MY DIMENSION

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The Reader Tweets & FB

People & ghosts are not what they seem. Is it a monster? The Reader #fantasy #scifi
A ghost with a bad temper & fake people. This town is strange. The Reader #fantasy #scifi

There's something wrong in the woods. Monsters or ghosts? The Reader #fantasy #scifi

Author Bio: M. Pax is author of the space adventure series The Backworlds, plus other novels and short stories. Fantasy, science fiction, and the weird beckons to her, and she blames Oregon, a source of endless inspiration. She docents at Pine Mountain Observatory in the summers as a star guide and has a cat with a crush on Mr. Spock. Learn more at


  1. Hi Christine and Mary - love the sound of this series. Congratulations on the release of The Rifters #3 ... cheers Hilary

  2. Yay for Mary! I can't wait to read this one.

    Mac, I love the covers too!

  3. Hi humans, Christine and Mary,

    Pawesome and hearty congrats to Mary. I shall now share this pawst because I'm such a nice doggy! :)

    Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses,

    Penny xx

  4. Thank you, Christine. You're awesome!


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