
Friday, November 20, 2015

Friday Five for November 20, 2015

1. Help put the love back into Lovecraft! Dragon Roost Press is raising funds on Indiegogo to publish Eldritch Embraces. I have a steampunk mytho story in the collection called "What Lay Below." Please consider helping this awesome anthology. These funds include paying the authors!

2. I had two short story acceptances and three rejections in the past few weeks. I've also written a new flash fiction story which my local critique group will tear apart this Saturday. I tried to get a little fancy with this one, trying something new. That's the fun of shorter works. You can experiment with new genres and styles.

3. Next Wednesday, Lovelorn Spirits, the final book of my Paramours trilogy will be released. I'm excited. This is the best one of the three. I've booked a tour for the Paramours the first week of February. It's the month of love, and I do love the paranormal!

4. I've been working hard on the second book of my Totem series. I hope to have it finished in a few days. I've been having a ton of fun writing this one. Of course, any story I can make geek jokes makes me happy.

5. I have a couple of posts scheduled for next week, but I'll be scarce. It's off to visit the in-laws for the American Thanksgiving. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend, and to my American friends and family, have a happy Thanksgiving.


  1. Hi Christine ... you are pretty organised - submissions, writing, preparing etc ... and enjoy that visit to your in-laws ... it's a good time for family - cheers Hilary

  2. Congrats on the acceptances. The rejections are just a learning curve :-)

  3. Congratulations on the short stories and your upcoming release!

  4. Yeh for all your successes!

    I love experimenting with shorter works, too - trying a different genre, etc.

  5. Ha. How did I miss that you aren't in the US?

    I hope you enjoy the week.

  6. Congrats on your acceptances and experimenting with new things! When I first started writing, I dabbled in a bunch of different genres. Some made it into zines and anthologies and some didn't, but it helped me "find" myself. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  7. I'm glad you got some acceptances. Congratulations! You sure have been busy writing! Have a terrific weekend!

  8. You are a force when it comes to writing. I've been slacking off so bad (and knitting!) I really need to get writing and editing.

  9. Congrats and well done on your acceptances... woohoo.. and your upcoming release. So excited for you.

  10. Wonderful news about the acceptances. I love trying new things in writing. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving week.

  11. I think everyone will be scarce next week! My Wednesday post is my annual "Happy Thanksgiving" post that I do, since nobody will really be reading blogs on Wednesday and Thursday. Hope you have a great week if I don't talk to you again!

  12. Congrats on having so much going on. Enjoy your family holiday.

  13. Thank you all. May you all have a wonderful week! :)


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