
Monday, August 11, 2014

Twisted Earths is coming soon!

Twisted Earths is a collection of nine tales from Untethered Realms, a fantastic group of speculative fiction authors. I'm lucky enough to be a part of this great group. I'm in awe of their talent. And the gorgeous cover by graphic artist Erin Dameron-Hill is perfect!

Be on the lookout for the anthology coming this October, and click it "to read" on Goodreads. Here are the authors and their stories.

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M. Pax, author of the series, The Backworlds and The Rifters spins a tale called "Patchworker 2.0." Specialists with digital interfaces are the only ones who can distinguish between biological energy and mechanical pulses, and “patch” AIs, which hold the world together. Patchworker Evalyn Shore meets up with an AI with deadly intent.

Cherie Reich, known for her epic fantasy series The Fate Challenges and The Foxwick Chronicles, presents "Lady Death." Umbria, a beautiful and powerful swordsmith, is given an impossible task by her brother Leon when he asks, “You are the assassin. Are you scared to destroy Death when you are up to your elbows in it?”

Angela Brown is the author of the paranormal Shadow Jumpers and NEO Chronicles series. In her story, "In The Know," Jacob, a loyal family man is struggling to stay out of debt when he’s hired to report on big plans for a future Detroit. He’s given a mysterious manila envelope with instructions to “open it alone” or pay the price. With switchback twists you won’t see coming, a debt of a much steeper cost is what he just might end up paying for his involvement.

Catherine Stine, author of the futuristic thrillers, Fireseed One and Ruby’s Fire, offers "The Day of The Flying Dogs," a sinister tale of brilliant, troubled NYC high-school student, Theo. He experiences a day at Coney Island that includes drugs, delusions, a lonely capybara, Nathan’s hotdogs and a mind-bending lesson in our very twisted universe.

Christine Rains, known best for her paranormal series The 13th Floor, gives us "The Ole Saint," a story at once sweet, horrific and heartrending. Ezra longs to fit in and have boys stop calling him witch and freak, yet his unique supernatural skill sets him apart, and the last gift from the Ole Saint cinches the deal.

Graeme Ing, known for his young adult fantasy, Ocean of Dust presents "The Malachite Mine," a gripping, scream-inducing ride. Whatever was Mary thinking when she accepted her husband’s gift of a most terrifying twenty-first birthday celebration in an abandoned Russian mine?

River Fairchild, author of her Jewels of Chandra series, presents "A Grand Purpose." Rosaya and her cousin, Drianna are soon to be married off, but Rosaya is unhappy with her assigned match. She’s much more intoxicated by the older Firrandor, a wizard she hardly knows. When Rosaya is accused of killing an oracle boy, all bets are off, not only for her love, but her freedom.

Gwen Gardner, who pens the cozy paranormal mystery series, Indigo Eady, adds to her collection with "Ghostly Guardian." Indigo and her rib-tickling ghost-busters must travel to a dangerous pirate-laden past in order to unearth a curmudgeonly eighteenth century spirit that is plaguing the Blind Badger Pub.

Misha Gerrick, whose War of Six Crowns series is forthcoming, gives us a story called "Red Earth and White Light." Emily, a young ghost bride has long haunted a house. She longs to cross over into the afterlife, but she’s trapped in memories of lilies and betrayal.

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My website is finished! Woo-hoo!
I love it. My husband did an excellent job.
Click on over and let me know what you think.


  1. These stories all sound so fantastic! And wow, that cover is jaw-droppingly gorgeous... *artist envy* How cool that you guys over at UR put together a collection like this. Good luck with the release come October! :)

  2. sounds great, congratulations and I'll add it on Goodreads!

  3. Cover is gorgeous. I'll be getting this book with some of my favorite blogger buddies for sure!

  4. What a great selection of stories. I'm marking my calendar.

  5. That cover is insanely cool! :D

  6. Uh, you pretty much had me with the cover. Then listing all the authors - most my blogging buddies. Awesome! Just added it to my Goodreads list.

  7. Love your website - great job! Congrats on the new anthology. What a cool cover!

  8. Sounds like a great compilation!!! Congrats to everyone. I love that cover. Very spooky!

  9. That is one pretty cover! Those are all great authors who are contributing to it. I'll go check out your website. I'm sure it looks great.

  10. Awesome website! That's one hot guy to show everybody around! ;0)

  11. That looks like an awesome anthology!

    And your website looks great. You did well with the tagline and color scheme.

  12. Yay for Untethered Realms. Who can resist? I checked out your website the other day. Your husband did a wonderful job!


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