
Wednesday, August 6, 2014

IWSG for August 2014

The Insecure Writer's Support Group (IWSG) is the brilliant idea of Alex J. Cavanaugh. The purpose of the group is to share doubts and insecurities and to encourage one another. Please visit the other participants and share your support. A kind word goes a long way.

This month I'm feeling frustrated that I can't share my big news yet. It's been almost two months since I've known, but the contract isn't signed and sealed.

One thing I love about self-publishing is that you can move at your own pace and shout out the news whenever you want. I wanted the experience of working with a publisher, and now I have it.

It's slow. Maybe the folks in the contracts department are on vacation or they're slower in the summer with the kids home. I can understand it, but it doesn't help my anxiety.

I'm taking a deep breath. It'll all work out.

What's the best thing to do while waiting? Write.

And check your inbox fifty times a day.


  1. That actually sounds like a pretty good frustration to have since it falls in the positive category. Though, I understand it must be driving you insane. Plus the anxiety of not having the contract signed yet. :-/

    Still, hugs and I can't wait to read what it is. :D

  2. Hi Christine .. it will happen - patience is a virtue (I believe!) .. but frustrating waiting .. still enjoy the summer days - Hilary

  3. Yes, this is one of the frustrations of the publishing world. Excited for your news. Be sure to let me know so I can post in Follower News for you.

  4. i'm giddy for you!
    but yes, they need some prodding. if i hear nothing for 30 days or some set amount of time, i nudge. yes, they're busy, but they cant keep you in the dark!

    make sure i'm one of the first!!! email me!!

    and thanks for continuing to support my bbf tour!

  5. Congratulations! Excited for you. But things do move at a snail's pace in the traditional publishing realm.

  6. Don'tcha just HATE waiting?! Waiting for things and for people, is one of my worst pet peeves! I feel for you!

  7. Congratulations and condolences on not being able to post your news. All things in good time and all that, right? Hopefully your wait isn't too much longer! But definitely keep up the writing while you're waiting!

  8. I wait in anticipation of your news, and will cheer with you when you're able to shrug off this frustration and declare the greatness to the world!


  9. Congrats! I'm sure it'll be great!

  10. Yep, I understand this frustration! I've spent most of this year in that half-anxious, half-impatient state of not being able to announce news yet, and I'm so glad the weight's off my shoulders! Until the next thing comes along, haha. Best to just focus on writing. :)

  11. I can only imagine how you're feeling. When I was waiting for a response from my small press, I did check my email about 50 times a day. It was when I completely lost hope and shattered with impatient when I checked my inbox and found my acceptance. Hang in there! You'll be able to share your good news soon and when you do I'm going to be cheering! :D

  12. Oh I know! Once you get a company involved, the process moves like molasses. I hope you get to make your announcement soon!

  13. Congrats! I can't wait to hear your announcement and I'm sure it will be worth the wait!

  14. Yes, it is slow! Welcome to the world of traditional publishers. Hope you can tell us soon.

  15. That is frustrating. Can't wait until it's official!

  16. My hat is off to anyone who can make it through all that. Seriously. Hang in there. :/

    IWSG #184 until Alex culls the list again.

  17. We've been waiting so long to hear. I hate waiting too. I hope I have good news to share soon but I'm waiting for a publisher to get back to me.

  18. Isn't it interesting how there's a downside to the greatest of events! Be patient. All will come together.

  19. It's so hard to wait but maybe the waiting will make the announcement even more fun for you in the end. :)

  20. From everything I've been reading, this summer has been really slow for all things writing. Don't worry. We'll hit fall before you know it and everything will pick up again.

  21. Ugh. Hate the waiting...and's the first thought when you wake up, and the last thought before you fall asleep.

    It'll happen soon, though!

  22. Thank you, everyone! I do love this community. I have a release date for my first book in the series, so I at least know that I'll have to have a contract before then! =P

  23. SO slow. I can definitely relate. But pretty much everyone says that the publishing process is slow, so at least we know it's normal!

  24. sorry you can't share and even though you're frustrated, it sounds like you are in a good place... remember, this industry has geological times, and you're already one step ahead! :-)

  25. I can't imagine how impatient you must be feeling right now! Whatever the big news is, I'm looking forward to the day you can finally share it! :)

  26. Sounds like big congratulations will be coming your way. In the mean time - breathe.

  27. Christine, before you know it the day will finally be here when you can share your news with us. Try to be patient. : ) : )

  28. I agree the publishing world is slow going. i can understand your frustration. But like you said writing is a good use of your time. :)

  29. Only 50x, eh? LOL. I think I'd be even worse. Excellent cover. Conjures up all sorts of questions. I've done both Traditional and Self-publishing. Not sure which is less stressful. Hope your news comes soon.

  30. Ooh, I can't wait to read what your big news is! Xxx

  31. This is so exciting!
    Congrats Christine!


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