
Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday Five for August 29, 2014

1. I received my first round of official edits from my editor this week. She said they were light and that I did a lovely job. I felt giddy and giggly. I finished my revisions and sent them back. Woot!

2. I had a super productive day yesterday. I critiqued two stories and wrote a hot scene for my newest WIP. I'm looking forward to more days like that over this school year. And just think of how productive I'll be when my little guy is in school full-time!

3. The Untethered Realms anthology, Twisted Earths is now available for pre-order. Yay! If you pre-order the book, you can have your choice of an ebook from any of of the UR authors. Isn't that an awesome offer? I've read all the books and you'll pick a winner no matter which one you choose. There's a handy-dandy badge on my sidebar. Just click and pre-order!

4. I know I talk about my cute little guy a lot. You'll often hear how proud I am of his smarts. He's a brilliant four-year-old! But what's more important is what a compassionate soul he is. He helped the new boy in class who had trouble adjusting and stood up for a girl in the playground today when another child took her the toys she had. Times like these, it makes me feel like I'm doing something right!

5. Finally, I have a fantastic cover reveal for you from NA romance author, Kitsy Clare. Private Internship is the second book in her Art of Love series. It's gorgeous! Check it out.

Sugar’s not so sweet and secrets can be deadly ... especially with matters of the heart

Sienna’s bestie, Harper warned her not to intern for famous bad boy artist, Casper Mason. After all, he just fired Harper who helped Sienna get the interview. But the moment Sienna sees Casper—or Caz—sweaty and practically shirtless and swinging from chains while he works on his sculpture, she’s hooked. He’s the richest, hottest artist in New York, and he lives in the fabulous Williamsburg Sugar Factory. But he’s also an incorrigible game-player, who seems to relish testing Sienna’s loyalty with a string of unsettling tests.

She knows she should get away fast. But by the time Sienna sneaks into his locked storage room and begins to unearth his dark and terrifying secret, she’s fallen way too hard for the handsome, charismatic Caz.

Book reviewers are saying:

"Beautiful. Amazing. A fantastic read that left me wanting more." -XoXo Book Blog

"A juicy read full of passion and magnetic chemistry that will have you hooked from beginning to end." -From the Purple Matter Book Blog

Author Bio: Kitsy Clare hails from Philadelphia and lives in New York. A romantic at heart, she loves to write about the sexy intrigue of the city, and particularly of the art world. She knows it well, having shown her paintings here before turning to writing. Model Position, her new adult novella is about artist Sienna and her friends. Living in a Bookworld says: “Beautifully written! We get to learn things about art & painting, which is refreshing. A colorful story from a promising new adult author.” The next in her series, Private Internship launches on September 29 with Inkspell.

Kitsy loves to travel, draw, read romance, spec fiction and teach writing workshops. She also writes YA as Catherine Stine. Her futuristic thriller, Ruby’s Fire was a YA finalist in the Next Generation Indie book awards. Fireseed One, its companion novel, was a finalist in YA and Sci-Fi in the USA News International Book Awards, and an Indie Reader notable. Her YA horror, Dorianna, launches fall 2014 with Evernight Teen.

Put Private Internship on your Goodreads TBR list:


  1. Hi Christine - sounds a good day indeed and then your little one - how lovely he took the new boy under his wing and looked after a little girl too ..

    Interesting cover, while the title entices ..

    Happy Labor Day weekend .. Hilary

  2. You're doing a good job with him, Christine!

  3. Light rewrites are always a good thing. I don't think I've ever had that! You're on fire!

  4. Christine, congrats on the very productive day. And kudos to you for raising such a sweet young man.

  5. Yay about the edits and all the productivity!

    You have every reason to be a very proud mama.

    Congrats to Kitsy!

  6. You should be proud of your little one. Congrats on the edits and getting writing done.

  7. Productive days always make me happy. And yes, seeing compassion and empathy in your son's actions is so very rewarding.

  8. Light revisions is a nice thing to hear. Good job on doing a good job!

  9. Thanks, everyone! I hope you all have a fabulous long weekend. :)

  10. Having a child with a thoughtful nature is just about the best thing. No matter how smart, if they lack that, what do you have? Good job Mom!

    Congrats on the edits.

    And beautiful cover. I don't care how many there are- I like to see new covers!

  11. Isn't it great to work with an editor? And that kind of feedback had to make your day.

  12. Wow, what a great pre-order deal! And aww, your son sounds so sweet! No wonder you're proud... :)

  13. congrats, congrats, a yay me! and congrats!

    love these updates - always got some positive news to share!

  14. Congrats on flying through those edits! Your little guy sounds like a great kid. Any mom would be proud.


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