
Friday, August 15, 2014

Friday Five for August 15, 2014

1. It's been a busy week with my mom visiting. We had lots of fun, and my little guy will be very sad to see his gramma go this morning.

2. One step closer to being able to tell you my news. Maybe this coming week! *crosses fingers*

3. Today it's preschool orientation and then school will officially start on Monday. Yay! I'll have five mornings a week (minus my participation days twice a month) to write. I'm dedicating it to only writing. I'm very excited about this. Summer went by quickly, but it feels like a long time since I've had time to write. I'm going a little bit crazy.

4. I've been enjoying the new fantasy-based reality show, The Quest. I've never kidded myself that I could do Survivor or any of the other shows, because I won't eat strange things and I burn after five minutes in the sun. But The Quest, I would happily do! Has anyone else been watching it?

5. No plans for the weekend. I'm on countdown to Monday morning. Have a great weekend!


  1. Hi Christine - grandmas are special aren't they - lovely that you've had yours to stay and your little one has had such a lovely time with her.

    I do hope you can share your news soon .. in the meantime happy weekend and recovery before school and 'normality' next week .. cheers Hilary

  2. So, who's more excited about school - you or him? :-)

    Looking forward to hearing your news.

  3. Glad you had a good visit with your mother.
    Enjoy your writing time next week!

  4. Sounds like it was a wonderful week for you. I'm glad. I can't wait to hear your news!

  5. Sounds like a good week, with lots of changes happening next week. Good to relax and enjoy the weekend.

  6. I've heard about The Quest, but I haven't seen it. Yay about your writing time starting back soon! Have a great weekend!

  7. I never watched a realty show and won't start now no matter the premise. Bet you're glad for school to start.

  8. Enjoy your writing time. I have another two and a half weeks until my daughter goes back to school, not that I'm counting ...

    Have a great weekend!

  9. Here's hoping you use your new found writing time wisely and you get tons of work done :)

  10. Ah, I can relate. My daughter is always sad to see her grandparents leave. She starts a week after your son, preschool too.

    Have a great weekend. Hope you get to share your news soon!

  11. Thanks, everyone! I hope you all have a terrific weekend. :)

    Annalisa, I think maybe me! Hehehe!

  12. Grandparents are super special! My little man cries all the time for mamaw and papaw, and he sees them all the time. They might've spoiled him a bit much... Still can't wait to hear that news!

  13. Looking forward to finally hearing the news! And enjoy the return of your writing mornings! :)

  14. Lovely to have a grandma visit. Lovely to have a weekend to catch up on life and a bit of sleep. Enjoy.

  15. Congratulations on the BIG news! (Glad I'm a subscriber, in the know.) Caught the second episode of Quest and thought it looks like a lot of fun. The contestants really take everything seriously.


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