
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

IWSG for June 2014

The Insecure Writer's Support Group (IWSG) is the brilliant idea of Alex J. Cavanaugh. The purpose of the group is to share doubts and insecurities and to encourage one another. Please visit the other participants and share your support. A kind word goes a long way.

I'm still waiting to hear back from novel, novella, and short story submissions. Tons of insecurities and anxiety there. I clean the house, check my email, water the garden, check my email, play hide-and-seek, check my email.

Instead of doing that, I really should be doing something else. I should be writing.

There's nothing more energizing than having my favorite people (fictional and real) telling me to write. Hope they inspire you too!


  1. I really feel like all this posters are trying to tell me something . . . I really should be writing right now too lol. Thanks, now I feel guilty (that's a good thing).

    Fingers crossed for you, I hope you get some good news soon, in the mean time: You should be writing! LOL

  2. Fingers crossed for you about the queries. And I love the inspirational(and slightly intimidating)images.

  3. I really want to write, right now :-)

    Good luck with all the submissions!

  4. I hope you hear back about your stories soon. I can imagine how frustrating the wait is.

    Those pictures are very inspiring. I'm finding it especially hard to refuse Thor. *drools*

  5. Gee. Maybe I should be writing. :P

    Fun post. Good luck!
    IWSG #215 until Alex culls the list again.

  6. Love all the motivation. Hope you sit down and do it today.

  7. Absolutely love this. I need to print all these out and put them up all over my house.

    Fingers and toes crossed for you on the queries.

  8. Absolutely love this. I need to print all these out and put them up all over my house.

    Fingers and toes crossed for you on the queries.

  9. Write! It will take your mind off the waiting. Just don't water your manuscript. They don't grow that way...

  10. Hahaha that Castiel one is the best ;) do I have to write though? Can't I just stare at David Tennant?

  11. Just keep writing. Not only will it help to pass the time, but you'll be doing what you love best. Just do it! Good luck, BTW.

  12. I think I need more male motivation :)

  13. Yes, you should be writing. Or at least working on Super Famous, since OBaS is on sub. ;)

  14. OOH! Love the pics! :) I'd really like one of Adam Levine... LOL

  15. Very funny! The only one missing is Uncle Sam with his finger out.

    Good luck with that sub. Fingers crossed for you.

  16. I have my fingers crossed for you that you'll hear back soon and that you'll receive some good news.

    I enjoyed all of the pictures you included for this post. They are all right. I should be writing. haha

  17. Thanks for that, Christine.
    Hope you hear back soon on those submissions.

  18. Hi, Christine. Best wishes on your inquiries.

  19. LOL! You included Mal. =) Yay! Okay, I'm inspired now. I should be writing.

    Christine, I'm stoked you took a chance and leapt, and I'm cheering for you.

  20. perfect!! and i've been there! the best thing is def to write something else! fingers & everything crossed!

  21. LOL, Christine, I heart these! I think my faves are Gaiman and Cas. :-)

  22. LOL. I enjoyed the encouragement from a bunch of my favorite boys.

  23. I'm so pleased everyone loved these as much as I do! :) Now go write!

  24. Hi Christine,

    Ah yes, write away, my good friend. Interesting posters. However, I should be writing when I feel like writing. Actually, I shall just leave it to Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)


  25. I love the one with Mal! My hero. :)
    Don't stress, just write!

  26. I love the one with Sherlock! :)

    The email checking thing can be addicting. Try disconnecting the internet on your computer for a little bit so you can write. :)

  27. Eric and David Tennent staring down at me telling me to write would do it... I need those posters. :P

  28. Haha, I'm thinking I ought to have one of those gifs as my screensaver. Very motivating! :P

    I can relate to the Waiting Game phase! Fingers crossed!

  29. What are you trying to tell me, Christine? lol I have one with Chris Pine telling me to get writing. Lurves it.

  30. lol, I seriously love your list of people telling you to write. I should stick them up on my wall.

  31. LOL. Love those pictures. For the Sherlock one, you should add "Anything else is boring."

  32. Haha, now THAT'S motivational! :) Good luck kicking it back into gear.


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