
Friday, September 27, 2013

Friday Five for September 27, 2013

1. It's been a busy week. I'm all set for The 13th Floor Complete Collection blog tour. The book is already available on Amazon and Smashwords. It looks fantastic! Cherie Reich did an excellent job editing and formatting for me. We're making great progress with the print version. It'll definitely be ready for October 13th.

2. Click on over to Heather Musk's blog and read what she thought of the final novella in the 13th Floor series, THE GHOST. She'll be interviewing me on October 11th for my blog tour. Don't miss out!

3. I had a terrific time with Yolanda Renee on Monday. As promised, I used to pick a winner of an ecopy of MEMORIES OF MURDER. The winner is Catherine Stine! Congratulations, Catherine. I've already informed Yolanda that you were picked. Enjoy the book! Guess what? Yolanda is hosting me during my tour next month too. Join us on the 19th.

4. It's school picture day at my son's preschool. Last year I was the photographer's helper, and the boy refused to smile. This year, I won't be there, so hopefully he'll show them his cute dimples. It's been a long week with four days spent babysitting, a school board meeting, and an optometrist's appointment. Glasses have gotten so expensive!

5. Join me Monday for some creepiness. Julie Flanders' cover reveal for THE GHOSTS OF AQUINNAH and an announcement to give you the chills. In a good way!

Have a fantastic weekend!


  1. LOL, I hope your little man shows his smile to the photographer this time!

    Have a great weekend!

  2. So exciting how the 13th Floor collection is out in the wild already! :D

    Also, I totally know what you mean about glasses. So pricey anymore, eep.

  3. I haven't received the !3th collection. Did you email it to my Kindle address? I'm eager to start reading :D

    Hope the little chap flashes those dimples.

    Shah, X

  4. Glad Cherie is helping you!
    And hope your son smiles today.

  5. Sounds like a good week, one worthy of a smile (from your little boy, I hope).

  6. Thank you all! The little guy was in good spirits when I dropped him off at school. :)

    Shah, I sent you another email. I hope I'm using the right email address. I attached the books again for you.

  7. My mother used to have a preschool, and I'd help out on school picture day. It was always hilarious.

    Have a great weekend!

  8. You have had a busy, busy week. I have one child who wears glasses and has since he was 18 months so I understand how expensive it is.

  9. yay for all your announcements!
    congrats to catherine!
    cant wait to see julie's cover!

    happy friday & have an award!

  10. I hope he smiles this time. He's so adorable!

  11. I'm excited for Julie's book release. I've enjoyed her ghostly posts. And YAY for Yolanda too!

  12. Congratulations Christine!

    And Catherine - will send the book as soon as it hits the presses next Friday!

    I never smiled either! LOL

  13. Hi Christine! I just wanted to give you a big Thank You for visiting my site for the Blog Blitz the other day. I was so moved and inspired by all the amazing comments I received. You were right in your assumption that stroke victims are getting younger and younger. I'm no spring chicken, but I was only 46 when I had the hemorrhage and a year later, I lost a colleague to the exact same thing who was nearly six years younger than me.

    The past two years of recovery have been difficult, but I've come a long way. I hope you check in every so often. :) Between spilling my guts and trying to work on my first novel, I'll be back to as near 100% as I can be. LOL.

    PS. I love all things paranormal, so you've just gained yourself a new follower. Thanks again. Lily

  14. Hi Christine .. sounds like all is going great guns for your release on the 13th - good day! For various reasons ..

    Hope the boy smiled sweetly this year!

    Good luck with all that's going on - and I'll definitely check in on Julie's Ghosts of Aquinnah ..

    Cheers Hilary

  15. The omnibus looks great! Looking forward to your CREEPY FREEBIES raffle. =]


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