
Friday, May 31, 2013

Friday Five for May 31, 2013

1. A busy week for me. I'm getting ready for a trip to visit my family in Canada. We leave this afternoon! It seems to take forever to get all those little things that need taken care of before you go done. And usually I always forget one thing. I've made lists this time. Hopefully I won't be forgetting anything.

2. I'm excited to have my very own blog-sitter come over here next week. The wonderful Annalisa Crawford will be here to greet you on Monday with the first stop in her THAT SADIE THING blog tour.

3. I'm still struggling with finding my protagonist's voice. She has a catchphrase, though. She says "Oh my god!" a lot. So much can be conveyed in different tones with that one phrase.

4. My husband introduced me to a little game called Tiny Tower. It's so addictive. I'm glad he takes his iPod with him to work so I'm not tempted to play it at home during the day. I called him at work yesterday to ask if pork chops were good for dinner... and to make sure he built a new residence floor for me.

5. Fantastic new release! Milo James Fowler's IMMATERIAL EVIDENCE is now available.

Blurb: The vault door never opened. The bank went into lockdown in less than a minute. Yet the security footage was unmistakable: a hundred silver bars had simply vanished.

Ever since the city’s most dangerous crime boss put a price on his head, private investigator Charlie Madison has lived as an exile in Little Tokyo. But now an old friend and police sergeant has lured Madison back into the city to hunt down an invisible criminal—if he can.

As Madison makes his clandestine return, high-profile people start disappearing. And when federal agents swoop onto the scene to take matters into their own hands, they offer Madison a deal he can't refuse—as long as he agrees to work with them. With Japanese freedom fighters and refurbished killing machines threatening to take the world to the brink of nuclear holocaust, the United World government needs all the help it can get.

Embroiled in an unimaginable mystery, one private eye must rely on his wits to solve a case where the evidence is immaterial, and the odds are stacked high against him at every turn.

If you could spare a few seconds, please send out a tweet:
A detective with a price on his head; an invisible criminal with nothing to lose: IMMATERIAL EVIDENCE
Debut novella from Milo James Fowler -- a future noir detective story: IMMATERIAL EVIDENCE 

Have a great week! 


  1. *giggles* I love that you are so obsessed with Tiny Tower!

    Hope you enjoy your visit with your family!

  2. Have fun on your trip! I'll keep my fingers crossed that you don't forget anything. It's always so annoying when that happens!

    And oh, a catchphrase? Awesome! At least she's revealing some things to you! ;)

  3. Have a great time w your family! My friend suggested tiny towers for me to play! I'm currently stuck on candy crush.

  4. I love your Friday Five! I might have to do it on my blog. :)

  5. Your 'Oh my God' catchphrase reminded me of Quantum Leap where Sam would say 'Oh Boy' at the start of every episode... and never in the same way twice!

    Looking forward to being here on Monday, I promise not to make too much mess :-)

  6. Congratulations to Milo!
    And don't worry - whatever you forget, you can just buy.

  7. Hope you have a great trip!

    And I love Milo's cover!

  8. Congrats to Milo!

    Hope you enjoy your trip home Christine! And I have been so busy these past few weeks I can't seem to catch up! Looking forward to summer and to the end of some of this crazy schedule. Can't wait to just veg out with a book by the pool....fifteen days left of school for my girls and counting!!

  9. Have a wonderful trip and be safe!

  10. Hi Christine .. enjoy seeing the family .. and I'm sure you've covered the bases .. let's hope the major ones anyway - it'll be good to see Annalisa here next week ..

    Milo's story sounds extremely interesting and how it'll turn out will be fun to read .. so good luck to him ..

    Cheers Hilary

  11. Have fun on your trip!

  12. I've never heard of Tiny Tower, but it sounds like something I should probably stay away from.

    Enjoy your trip!

  13. Enjoy your trip! Blog-sitting? Does it pay well? =] Thanks for the signal boost, Christine.

  14. Enjoy your time away... maybe some time away will help you find the protag's voice:)

  15. Have fun in Canada! We will be there for a short visit in July.


  16. I've never heard of Tiny Tower.

    Have fun visiting your family!

  17. Have fun visiting your family.

    Excited to read The Ghost, glad you're getting on well with it.

    I think I'd play Tiny Towers more if I weren't addicted to The Simpsons: Tapped Out.

  18. I've never heard of Tiny Tower, but I try to avoid most games because they can be addicting.

  19. Have fun in Canada.
    I've seen Immaterial advertised on a couple of blogs. Going to have to check it out.

  20. Thank you all! I had a great visit with my family. I'm totally exhausted now, though. I need another week to recover from the trip!


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