
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Wicked Wednesday - promoting tips and one day until The Marquis

One more day until the first book of the 13th Floor series is officially released. I'm hyperventilating a little bit and eating too much chocolate. I worry about whether I'm doing enough to promote the series. So I've been reading articles about self-promotion. When I'm anxious about something, research does help. Or it's enough to distract me from my worries!

Here are a few things I've learned about promoting your books:
1. Word-of-mouth is extremely important. When people get talking about your book, it can snowball. Especially on sites like Twitter.
2. Reviews are also very important. Encourage readers to leave reviews on their blogs and from wherever they purchased your book. Send your book to review sites.
3. Samples and excerpts will let readers who are unfamiliar with your work get a peek. Pick something that will hook them.
4. Have an awesome cover and blurb. These will attract readers who randomly come across your book.
5. If you can afford it, use paid advertising.

Tomorrow I begin my eight day blog tour for The Marquis. My first stop is at Cherie Reich's blog. We'll be starting the excitement right off with a giveaway. Every day during the tour, I'll be posting a tidbit about The Marquis or the 13th Floor series. On the 21st, I'll be revealing the cover to the second book in the series, The Alpha.

And then I'll be taking a little Christmas break to catch up on my sleep!


  1. These are great tips! Try not to be too nervous, I know your new book will be as awesome as the others!

  2. Hi Christine .. with a little one - can quite understand the need for a break ... lots of preparations and fun.

    The 13th Floor is a good tour title - 13 is my lucky number .. and the Marquis - I'll be over to see ..

    Have fun - cheers Hilary

  3. One more day!
    I think word of mouth is the most important. The more people talking, the more people buying.

  4. So exciting! I hope your promotions do well!

  5. Sounds like a plan. Hope you'll do a post on how the plan worked.

  6. One day I'll figure out book promotion.

    Good luck with your book and the tour!

  7. That is so exciting! Good luck with your tour!

  8. Thank you! I'm so nervous I can't concentrate on the revisions or critiques I'm suppose to be doing!

  9. I like your story, ok, i’ll bookmark this site and return here in next few days.


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