
Thursday, December 20, 2012

Final Day of The Marquis blog tour

It's the last day of the tour. Wow!
What a fantastic time I've had.
Thank you to all the wonderful hosts and
to all the people who commented.

A big congratulations to Heather Holden
who won a digital copy of The Marquis
from Aubrie Dionne's blog!
Check out Heather's site.
She's an awesome artist.  
But wait! The fun isn't over yet.

I have a guest post on choosing the perfect title for your book at Livia Peterson's blog.
This is always difficult for me, but there are some tricks to finding the best name.

On the 13th Floor, there are some noisy and fearsome tenants. But I'm sure you've experienced worse neighbors than them. We want to hear about your experiences.
I've listed 13 types of bad neighbors on
There's also one final big giveaway!
Three AWESOME prizes!
International entries are welcome.
1st prize: one digital copy of The Marquis, an ARC of The Alpha, and a signed copy of Fearless
2nd prize: one digital copy of The Marquis and an ARC of The Alpha
3rd prize: one digital copy of The Marquis  

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Today's tidbit: When I wrote The Marquis, my favorite parts involved Vetis. He's one of my favorite types of villains. When I wrote The Alpha, I loved writing about the heroine. Strong and feisty woman falling for a geeky guy. Now I'm writing The Dragonslayer, and I'm falling in love with the hero.

Come back tomorrow for The Alpha cover reveal!


  1. I follow both those ladies - off to read!

  2. Congratulations on making it through the tour! It was great reading about your book on all those blogs!

  3. Congrats on surviving the tour! Can't wait to read The Dragonslayer!

  4. Thank you, everyone! The tour has been so much fun. Your support and encouragement have been invaluable. :)

  5. Aw, thanks for the compliment about my art! Totally wasn't expecting that when I visited your blog today. :D

    Not surprised at all that Vetis was your favorite to write about for this book. Villains never fail to be fun, and his character already seems entertaining from the snippets I've read online!

  6. Hopefully you'll soon find out just how entertaining he is, Heather! ;)


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