
Monday, December 10, 2012

Cheers, Cavanaugh Blogfest

This fantastically fun blogfest is in honor of a talented and generous ninja by the name of Alex J. Cavanaugh. It's hosted by by Mark Koopmans, Morgan Shamy, David King, and Stephen Tremp. This is a way the blogging community can say thank you to Alex.

Here's what you need to do. Answer these four questions:

• In +/- 20 words, what does Alex look like?
• In +/- 20 words,who could play Alex in a documentary? (Living or dead.)
• In +/- 20 words, who does Alex remind you of?
• In +/- 100 words,(excluding the title) write flash fiction using all these prompts:

• Cavanaugh
• Ninja
• Cosbolt
• Guitar For

Bonus Points:
• In+/- 40 words, leave a comment for Mrs. Cavanaugh - thanking her for sharing

• Join the Linky List
• Be a follower.
• Post your 200 (total) word contribution Monday, Dec. 10.
• Have Fun!

Two winners – chosen by Alex – will each win one prize:
FIRST PLACE: A signed copy of CassaStar.
GRAND PRIZE: A picture of Alex and a download of him playing the guitar. (*One caveat: Alex asks the picture or download NOT be shared online.)
Here we go!
What does Alex look like? A little bit rock but with tame hair. Sage eyes. Understated. A sneakers and jeans guy.

Who would play Alex? I'm seeing Jason Bateman for some reason.

Who does Alex remind you of? My fifth grade teacher, Mr. V. (He didn't look a thing like Jason Bateman.) Supportive, encouraging, and fun. Every kid flocked to him and adored him.

Flash fiction: He dove across the stage as quick as a Cosbolt. The energy bolt blackened the spot Cavanaugh had stood. Acrid smoke teased his nose, making his stomach roil. The creature with the bad eighties rocker hair chortled. The building shook with it, but the ninja didn't flinch. He grabbed the Guitar for Victory and strummed a note. This time, it was the monster that trembled. With a snarl, it attacked and shot another beam from its one eye. Cavanaugh strummed again. The energy frizzled before it could hit him. A few more chords launched him into a rocking solo, and his enemy stood not a chance. No one made this ninja late for an IWSG meeting.

Bonus: Thank you to Mrs. Cavanaugh. You're as generous as your husband for giving him the time to share with us.  He's a lucky man to have a supportive partner such as yourself.


  1. And here's to you Mrs. Cavanagh, Christine Rains remembers you today. Hey! Hey! Hey!

  2. Excellent work! Can't wait to see Alex's reaction to all these posts!

  3. Great action scene! I could picture it in my head - smoke, music and all. Good job.

  4. Energetic and enjoyable. Liked it Christine!

  5. great stuff christine! dont start taking over sci fi now!

  6. I can defeat monsters with my guitar! That is too awesome. And I am a sneakers and jeans kind of guy.
    Thank you SO much, Christine!!!

  7. Very fun post! I think you got Alex down perfectly :)

  8. Jason Bateman, huh. That sounds about right.

    Great piece of FF.

  9. Nice! Just how I pictured him!
    ROCK ON!

  10. Cool! I love how Alex defeats the enemy with a strum of his guitar!

  11. Great job - interesting how you're the third post I've read that compared him to a great teacher.

  12. I could so see Jason Bateman. He played guitar in Juno, didn't he? The flash fiction rocked, totally an Alex way of defeating an enemy.

  13. Love the story, especially the last line!

  14. Chortle. Chortle. Chortle. Great roast, Christine.

  15. Yes! This is the second Jason Bateman I've seen, and it's growing on me! I like! :D

  16. Jason Bateman...interesting!
    I love your flash fiction ;D

  17. A guitar that kills monsters sounds like an ideal weapon for the ninja!

  18. Great answers.... loved the flash fiction:)

  19. I like your answer to who Alex reminds you of.

  20. Love this! Sage eyes--YES.

  21. I like the Guitar Hero battle going on. Sage eyes? Cool.

  22. Thank you all! This blogfest has been so much fun. I do wonder who the mysterious Alex is, but I like the mystery itself.

  23. Wow, I feel like your description might actually have a chance of being true. :) And, I love that the monster trembles!

  24. Your description is good, and I love your flash fiction. Also, thanks for signing up for my blogfest!

  25. Hi Christine .. had to look up Jason Bateman .. interesting choice - I keep seeing guys I don't know.

    It would take a lot for Alex to miss much in the blogosphere .. great take on the fest ... cheers Hilary

  26. Love this tribute! I especially liked the part about your fifth grade teacher - I imagine Alex as the kind of guy that everyone flocks to for his words of encouragement and sense of fun too!

  27. "No one made this ninja late for an IWSG meeting." - Love this line!

  28. I think Jason could do the job. He's sincere, loyal, intelligent! Nice choice.

  29. Alex has some killer guitar skills! And I agree with Cherie, love that last line! (:

  30. I liked your description of Alex and your rock n' roll magic flash.

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse

  31. Alex reminded me of a teacher too. I can see Alex launching into a frizzled rocking solo.

  32. Jason Bateman is like the super-sweet and cute guy next door.


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