
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Nightmare Ever After review

Almost ten years have passed since that fateful December night.

But the monster is hungry again.

As the killings start again New Haven, Virginia, FBI Agent Timothy "Tim" O'Conner sends for the lone survivor from the '02 murders to help him catch a killer. Cassie Richards wants nothing to do with the monster who killed her friends or the agent's investigation, but she can't forget the night that has haunted her nightmares. She returns to Virginia in search for closure, but will she be able to catch and kill a legend in time?

My review:
Ten years ago, Cassie Richards survived a waking nightmare. Now the monster is back and killing again. FBI Agent Tim O'Conner is assigned to the case, and he's determined to get the only living witness of these vicious attacks to help him. Even though Cassie doesn't want anything to do with the case or the little Virginian town that scorned her, she hopes this trip can bring her some closure. Tim pushes her for details as the murders escalate, and Cassie finds herself opening up to the handsome agent more than she originally intended. While she stands by her supernatural story hoping to convince Tim it's the truth, the monster hunts the one that got away. Will Cassie be lucky enough to survive its hunger a second time?

Nightmare Ever After is the chilling sequel to Once Upon A December Nightmare. It takes place a decade after the first tale, and lets the reader peek into the life of someone who survived one horrible night. Cassie is a fascinating character that must not only deal with living with the trauma of that night, but also with the fact no one believes her. She struggles with her fears which grow with the re-emergence of the monster.  She's a survivor, though. A strong and sympathetic protagonist. Tim is the perfect complement to her character. He's calm and logical, but willing to listen to Cassie when no one else will. They're thrown into the chaos of a case that's never been solved. The mystery haunts the reader through the pages, slowly unveiling the horror.

The monster stalks the woods of Virginia. They can be beautiful and romantic, but Cherie Reich can take the smallest detail and twist it to make the woods a creepy setting. Even in broad daylight! The tension builds as the number of murders grow until you're on the edge of your seat waiting to see what's going to happen. The story has a definite X-Files feel. Though Tim is more Scully where as Cassie would be Mulder.

This is the perfect scary tale to cuddle up in bed at night and read. Make sure you have someone to keep you company, though, or else keep a light on the rest of the night. Nightmare Ever After might just give you nightmares!

Nightmare Ever After is now available on Amazon, Amazon UK, Smashwords, and B&N.
Mark it to read on Goodreads!

Author Bio: A self-proclaimed bookworm, Cherie Reich is a writer, freelance editor, book blogger, and library assistant living in Virginia. Her short stories have appeared in magazines and anthologies. Her e-books include the horror series Nightmare, a short story collection with authors Aubrie Dionne and Lisa Rusczyk titled The Best of Raven and the Writing Desk, the futuristic space fantasy novelette trilogy Gravity, and The Foxwick Chronicles, a series of fantasy stories. She is member of Valley Writers and the Virginia Writers Club.

Please stop by Cherie's website and blog. Say hello and congratulate her on her newest release! You can also find her on Twitter, Goodreads, and Facebook.


  1. ooo sounds perfect! i tell you, Halloween has put me in the mood to write a horror. Which means I'll need to devour books like this before I do.

  2. Oh man, I am so far behind in my reading. And this review just made me want to read these two stories more!

  3. cant read horror! even your review scared me! cherie is awesome!

  4. since this takes place in my state--i am very interested!!

  5. Wow! Here's a chiller. Thanks Christine.

  6. Thank you for the great review!!

    And, Lynn, it's my state too! :D

  7. I actually cannot wait to read this. I need to get that accomplished asap. Cherie is so talented.

  8. Thank you! This is a great tale. Everyone needs to grab a copy!

  9. I might save this one for bright summer days! I'm not good when I'm scared :-)

  10. A good creepy read can be so much fun. I'll definitely be adding Cherie to my Nook.

  11. This is already on my TBR list. I love tales like this.

  12. oh sounds creepy! i'm a scaredy cat tho. probably couldn't handle this! :)


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