
Sunday, May 6, 2012

Relaxing on a Sunday

Here's my little guy cooling off in the creek. We went to one of the state parks nearby this morning and played in the water. We then had a picnic lunch before it got too hot for me, and the little guy needed his nap.

It's almost time to for the A to Z Challenge Reflections posts. April was so much fun. I'll be posting mine on Wednesday with my Wicked Wednesday post.

I'm having fun with the Dust It Off bloghop. I never expected anyone would get more than a giggle out of my story. The writing community is wonderfully encouraging. I thank you all so much.

As some of you might know, April was a rough month for us. We took a trip to visit my family in Canada and my son hated it. He does not like to travel or even be away from home for more than an afternoon. When we got back home, our car gave our on us. The timing belt slipped, and if you know anything about cars, you'll know how devastating that can be to the engine. It would have cost us over $5000 for a new engine. All from one little belt. It's came at a bad time. Plus, we're a one-car, one-income family. We need a car. To top it off, our lawn mower and weed whacker broke down too. Thankfully, after much searching, we have a new car, a 2009 Hyundai Elantra, and my husband managed to fix the mower and weed whacker without having to buy new ones. Here's hoping May is a much better month.

A good sign that May will be better: Sherlock season 2 starts on PBS tonight!


  1. Your son is adorable!

    I'm sorry you had such a rough April. It does seem like those kinds of things always happen all at once. Here's to a better May!

    1. Thank you! Yes, these things do seem to happen all at once. They came in three's like the car, mower, and weed whacker. I just hope good things work like that too! :)

  2. I'm sorry about your car! Hope May is much better for you.

  3. Awww, bummer to hear about the trip and the car:( It seems like sometimes things never work out as planned. Glad to come across you from the New Adult blog!

  4. Your little guy is adorable! That really stinks about your car, but hopefully everything will get better. :)

  5. Your son is the cutest! Wishing you and your family renewed happiness in the month of May.

  6. Well April did produce at least on good thing, Your A-Z Challenge posts. Hopefully the following months will prove much better.

    And how cute is your little man?!

    1. Thanks. The A to Z was my highlight of the month.

  7. Well done you, overcoming so much, and it sounds as though May is going to be fine.

  8. So sorry for the rough month! :( But you're amazing, Christine. And I'm thoroughly enjoying your posts ;)

  9. Wow that does sound like you had a hard time. Hoping that May's better.

  10. Glad things seem to be going a little better for you. Sounds like April was rotten all around. Your kid is adorable and looks likes he is having a blast.

    1. Thank you! Yes, the little guy loves the water. We're eager for the pools to open on Memorial day weekend and we can have more splashing fun.

  11. Urgh, sorry April was so rough for you - fingers crossed for a batter May!

  12. What a cute picture! I'm sorry about your rough month. :( Hopefully things will be better in May.

    1. Thanks! May has started better with a short story acceptance and Sherlock. :)

  13. I'm cold just looking at that picture. We haven't warmed up here enough in the Northeast to even try that!

    My fingers are crossed that May treats you better.

    1. The water was a bit chilly, but it was really hot and humid, so it felt nice. My son just dove right into it!

  14. He is so cute and having lots of fun splashing in the water:) At least the trip is behind you now and you got a new car:) Ahh still waiting to see Sherlock Homes season 2. I have a few more episodes of Walking Dead season 2 to watch.. then I'll be like - where's season 3!!

    1. Hehehe! The first episode of Sherlock was pretty good, but not my favorite. I'm really looking forward to the next one which is The Hounds of Baskerville. Love that they're throwing a paranormal bent on it!

  15. i love this pic of your son! he looks like a ton of fun!
    and i'm glad to hear you guys got a new car and things worked out. May is going to be a way better month!

    1. Thanks! May is already much better. Now if we could just avoid the humid weather until July!


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