
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Teaser Tuesday with CassaStar

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:

  • Grab your current read
  • Open to a random page
  • Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
  • BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
  • Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
Alex J. Cavanaugh's CassaStar is a great break from the books I usually read. It's space opera that reminds me of Battlestar Galactica in a way. I hear drums when the battles start. I usually watch more sci-fi than read it, but sometimes the written word can be as vivid as a film and Alex manages to do it. I'm halfway through and it's getting even better. Though, I don't dare have my Nook out when little toddler hands can grab it!

Here's your teaser:
He caught his breath, a moment of doubt grasping at his throat. They were about to shoot down real people. (page 172)

Update: Alex is having a giveaway! Win a free copy of CassaStar as a great gift to yourself.


  1. It's up next on my Kindle. Hopefully next week, I'll be able to sit down and enjoy.

  2. Great teaser! This sounds like the kind of story I would enjoy. My teasers are from Lawe's Justice by Lora Leigh and Kaptain Vamp by Joanne Lecuyer. Two very different reads!

  3. Is he sure they are real? Merry Christmas!

  4. Alex's book is also on my list of books to read. I can't wait, as I am a HUGE Battlestar Galactica fan (of the original series).

  5. CassaStar won't disappoint! Hope you all get a chance to read it and have a happy holiday.

  6. Fab teaser! New follower here :-)

    Here's my TT:


  7. Christine, this is awesome - I've never been a Teaser Tuesday before! Glad you are enjoying it so much. You just made my day.

  8. love a good sci fi space opera =)
    looking forward to reading alex's craft!

  9. Real people? Has he been shooting down fake people? ;) Just joking!

    I've had this one on my Kindle for a while to read. I need to get to it soon before CassaFire comes out!

  10. This is great! I love Alex and am also in the middle of reading his book, which is awesome.
    I love your blog and am so glad I found it :) I also am always in need of more sleep.

  11. Wow, what a great line. This book is right up my alley! Thanks for the good luck for the mall. I made it back in one piece! There were tears....but we danced until he smiled for at least one picture!

  12. TToria, welcome and thank you! I followed you back.

    Alex, glad I could make your Tuesday. To everyone here today, you're such a tease! ;)

    Tara, perfect book if you love space opera. A good buddy story.

    Cherie, you've got until the end of February! Write TLP before then for me first. ;)

    Saumya, that's awesome you're reading it too. Thank you for following! I'm a new follower of you too.

    Aubrie, I think you'd really like it. I'm glad you got your nephew to smile. I can just see you and your sister dancing around! Ah, the things we do for the little ones. :)

  13. Saumya, that makes me happy!

    Christine, thanks again. Really surprised how many people said they already own it!

  14. Alex, you'd think with the number of ninjas in your army, you'd have better intel. Heh.


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