
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A nice quiet Christmas

It was a quiet Christmas for us this year, but very nice. Our son opened two presents, grew bored, and demanded we clean up. He loves the easel we bought him and the LeapPad from his Gramma. He's such a gadget freak like his father!

It was such a mild day, we spent the afternoon at one of the local parks. We had so much fun, we didn't leave until the sun had set. Surprisingly, the park was pretty busy. Lots of people enjoying the day out with their families.

Today we ran a bunch of errands and picked out glasses for our son. He looks adorable!
We have some snow now. Maybe we can take the sled out to the backyard and go down the little hill.

I hope everyone had a great holiday. Don't forget to stop by tomorrow when I interview short story writer and poet, James Dorr.


  1. Glad you had a good Christmas. Sometimes quiet times are the best of times. BTW, tell your little guy that he looks handsome in his new glasses. :)

  2. Bored with presents? Wow. My niece is only 10 months so she was far more fascinated with the wrapping paper than the gifts.

  3. Aww! Brandon looks so cute in his new glasses. I'm glad you had a good Christmas. I agree with Janel that the quiet ones can be the best.

  4. You're creating a gadget geek - good for you! Envious of the snow though.

  5. Playing with an easel can be fun especially for a child as the imagination is full of color and images at that age.

  6. Quiet Christmas? What's that? Never had one before.

  7. sounds like fun! I love a quiet Christmas with the family.

  8. The glasses really suit him... he looks so cute..:)

    Quiet Christmases are great...

  9. That little guy of yours is too cute for words.

  10. What a sweetie he is! love those LeapPads as well. The kids made me share theirs with them. Rats. Now I think I'll just go get one of my own.

  11. Janel, thank you! He thought quite a lot about himself in them too. *LOL*

    Grumpy Bulldog, last year, my son loved the tissue paper. This year, he just thought it was a mess and he already has OCD, so he just wanted things cleaned up!

    Cherie, thanks! All the better for him to learn to read the books his book fairy sent him. ;)

    Alex, he is definitely a gadget geek. Even if a stranger whips out a phone or iPod, he'll go right up and ask for his turn with it!

    Lorelei, thanks!

    Michael, I can't wait to see what works of art he creates. He was already drawing something with several eyes on his chalkboard today.

    Joshua, I know what you mean. We've always traveled on the holidays, dealt with stressed out families, and such. It was nice this year to not have to do much of anything.

    Prerna, I loved it too. We're going to do it every year now. Save the traveling for other times of the year.

    Tania, they are, but we'd sure love to have a barbecue on Boxing Day! I was telling my hubby about it and he was getting a craving!

    Farawayeyes, thank you!

    Cleemckenzie, the LeapPad is fantastic. Fun games and lots of letter learning tools. He does more things on it than I do on my Nook!

  12. Hi Christine,
    Glad to hear you has such a nice Christmas. Also, the glasses are so cute!!
    Hope you're doing well,
    Ninja Girl

  13. Glad you had a nice Christmas. I'm so surprised your son got bored! My nephews love opening presents - so much they'll finish theirs and then come see an adult to check if they can help open anything else too :D.

  14. precious pics! glad you had a merry christmas!

  15. Look at that blonde hair. Hope he keeps it as he gets older.

  16. Great pics! He's such a cutie. You'll have to let me know how the Leappad is. I'm thinking about getting one for my boys eventually.


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