
Monday, December 5, 2011

Monday Moments

I still haven't gotten back to writing. This isn't good! Today was just so busy. Hopefully tomorrow I'll enjoy a quiet nap time and get back to my story.

I have my writers' group this coming Saturday. I submitted the blurb for Sorrow Phage to be critiqued. My CP, Cherie Reich, helped me already with it. I still need to think of a new title for the novel. Why did Vampires in a Mortuary suddenly pop into my head? Darn Snakes on a Plane. I can have my protagonist screaming, "Enough is enough! I've had it with these demon killing vampires in this brother-father mortuary!"

My Christmas shopping is done. I mailed out the packages to my family in Canada today. I also received packages from my mom today. She told me to open one gift early. A new digital camera! She just wants her daily photo of my son.

My doctor's appointment went well today. All my tests came back clean. Surprisingly, with all the treats I've had lately, my blood sugar was excellent. I have one more test next week just to clear out the final possibility. I'm starting a new medication, but everything is good. High blood pressure is nothing to ignore or mess around with.


  1. Glad everything went well at the doctor's. And Snakes on a Plane... Not good!

  2. Good to hear you're okay...:) And you got your Xmas pressies done... awesome. I'm still behind in that department. Best of luck with finding a new title... they are so hard to do.

  3. Good health is a good thing. Glad your news was good.

  4. glad your health is better. And I personally like Vampires in a Mortuary, it has personality ;-).

  5. Vampires in a Mortuary is a funny title. I like it, although I'm not certain it is the best with story.

    I'm sure you'll get back to writing soon. It's hard to get into the groove after NaNo.

  6. Glad to hear the tests came back clean. And I'm sure you'll get into the writing swing soon. Perhaps a little bit of a break might actually help - who knows?

  7. Being too close to a story is hard to determine. Seems you've worked that out. Congratulations.


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