
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sitting in the creek

I'm over halfway done with my third revision. It's going smoothly this time. No problem with deciding how I want to separate it into chapters. I think I will be adding a lot to the ending, though. There's little details that I mentioned in the meat of the story that need to be addressed at the end. I also have a tentative title: A Lion's Heart. I'm not wild about it. I would be willing to change it if the publisher wants to do so. Yet I like how it can be taken a couple of ways.

It's been a busy weekend. I'm trying to get all the errands and housework done before we leave for Gen Con on Thursday morning. Yet we did have a lovely afternoon at McCormick's Creek yesterday.
(My son laughing as he sits in a little waterfall in the creek.
He's so dang adorable!)


  1. Glad you know how you want to divide your chapters. As hot as it is here, I'd gladly sit in that creek.

  2. Aww! Brandon's so cute.

    I'm glad the chapter thing went well, and I think it's a great idea to expand upon the ending. :)


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