
Goals for 2017

1. Write the final three Totem novellas and publish them. Done!

2. Write the second two books in the Of Blood and Sorrow trilogy. I'd like to say I'll publish them by the end of the year, but they will be two full sized novels, and I will not publish one until the other is done.

3. Self-publish the books I had with my publisher. I'm allowed to keep the covers at least! Done! I made new covers for six of them.

4. Read and review 100 books. I hope to keep this up for the rest of my life! Over halfway there.

5. Write and submit six short stories. I can't say I have time to write one every month, but sometimes a great idea for a flash piece hits me, and I have to scribble it down. I'm still aiming at the pro markets. Wrote 6 / Submitted 8

6. Continue to study and try out different marketing techniques. Slowly but surely, I'm learning. I'm trying to figure out what works for me. And I will definitely share with you what I've learned.

7. Improve my writing speed and focus. Last month, I used writing sprints, and they've been working for me. It silences my inner editor and the words flow. I don't know if I could ever get to 5000 words an hour, but that much a day would be amazing.

1 comment:

  1. That's a pretty solid set of writing goals. I'm mostly hoping to get a novel written and another edited and ready for rejection. ;-)


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